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Fujinon FMTR-SX Binoculars

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I am looking to buy two pairs of premium binos. These for general use and birdwatching @ £320. http://www.steiner-binoculars.com/binoculars/night/580.html pretty much made my mind up on these :lol: But also a larger pair for mounting to my paramount for bird/astro work when at home or close to the car at around £600 I will be probably be going for the Fujinon FMTR-SX but I am a little confused :? 10x50 www.monkoptics.co.uk/Astronomy/Fuji_10x50fmt.html OR www.monkoptics.co.uk/Astronomy/fuji10x70.htmld I would have thougth the Relative Brightness would have been a lot higher on the 10x70s and cant see the advantage in going for the larger and heaver 10x70s over the 10x50s which would be easer to carry if needed :? and ideas or views on the Fujinon FMTR-SX range? Thanks orion

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The figure for relative brightness is just the exit pupil diameter squared. I've never understood why it's significant. It certainly doesn't mean that the Fujinon 10X70s will give a dimmer image than the 10X50s, far from it. The 10X50s, which cost a lot less at Quicktest, are supposed to be some of the best binoculars you can get for astronomy, possibly even better than the Nikon 10X42 SEs thanks to the bigger objectives. They're also said to be tougher than the Nikons - and much better value than the fancy European brands.

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If the Revelation reflector in your signature is in fact a refractor and you want binocs for astronomy and general use I would definitely go for the 10X50. The 10X70s will be far too heavy for hand-holding and will be awkward to use even if rested on a fence or branch. They're also big and heavy to cart round and you already have an astro telescope that will give excellent wide low-power views with the right eyepiece. I believe, too, that the 10X70s may be on their way out. Quicktest has a lot of detail about Fujinon binos.

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I have spent the day reading reviews on the 10x50 10x70 and 16x70. And as I am now 41 and the eyes are begin to go I may go for the 16x70s model. (Fujinon FMT-MX). Fujinon say the 16x70s give a darker sky when used for Astronomy, also the 4.4mm exit pupil would suit my age group better than the 7mm of the others. (Fujinon do Nebular and snow filters for this range). Thanks. Orion.


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