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Has anyone ever ruined their primary by cleaning ?

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I'm curious as to just how many people have actually ruined their primary mirror or lens by cleaning it ?

Reason being, I took a very very big plunge and decided to clean my 120mm frac lens. Had to be done really due to me very stupidly putting the scope in my car boot w/o dew cap on and lens cap straight on it. It was high summer at the time, hot day, cold at night so dew managed to sweat inside and make the lens very speckled.

Anyways I wasn't silly with regard to cleaning... (didn't simply get the pledge and cloth out and start rubbiing like a madman LOL.) I took my time and used telescope cleaning kit. the lens looks wonderful now, no dreaded scratches, dirt or streaks.

Is cleaning your primary such a DISASTROUS thing to attempt if done so properly ?


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