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Eyepieces for SLT127 MakCass

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Newbie alert! I've just purchased a new Celestron Nexstar 127SLT Mak-Cass scope (pick it up when I visit the US in June). Does anyone have a recommendation for eyepieces? I've been looking at the Celestron eyepiece and filter kit (1.25"). Reason I ask is prices are MUCH cheaper Stateside. We get gouged in Australia support issues aside. :D

Cheers, MikeH.

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First thing Mike...

Welcome to SGL :D

For the ins 'n' outs of choosing EPs, you might find these posts : [thread=80772]"Eyepieces - the very least you need"[/thread] and [thread=63184]"Understanding and choosing eyepieces"[/thread] a help in guiding you through the basics.

I'd be tempted not to buy anything for now and just use what comes with the 'scope. With eyepiece time under your belt you'll know what needs replacing, or if there's a gap that needs filling.

HTH :p

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I just bought this scope last week and am currently getting to grips with is. I did however buy a Celestron Ultima barlow to compliment the two eyepieces that came with the scope as it gives you 4 different permitations.

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The good thing about mak-cassegrains is, as "slow" scopes, they are not too fussy about the eyepieces that are used in them. Most types will deliver nice views. I've just got my self a 125mm schmidt-cassegrain (focal length 1250mm) which I'm going to use with 1.25" fitting eyepieces (I use mostly 2" ones with my other scopes) and my set will be:

32mm Tele Vue Plossl (39x / 1.28 degree true field of view)

21mm Tele Vue Plossl (59x / .84 degree TFoV)

13mm Tele Vue Plossl (96x / .52 degree TFoV)

9mm Baader Orthoscopic (139x)

7mm Baader Orthoscopic (179x)

5mm Baader Orthoscopic (250x)

The true field of view is the amount of sky the eyepiece / scope combination will show but I've not shown it for the 3 higher power eyepieces as, basically, it's very small !.

You could achieve the same set of focal lengths using a barlow lens and less eyepieces of course but I tend to prefer an eyepiece on it's own wherever possible.

I'm not suggesting that the above set is for everyone but it might help give an idea of what eyepiece focal lengths are useful. In the mak-cass 127 the focal length is 250mm longer so you will probably find 6mm is the highest power eyepiece that is useful. There is no real point to getting a longer focal length eyepiece than 32mm in the 1.25" size as it will not show any more sky - the 1.25" barrel resticts the field of view size you see

Hope that helps a bit ;)

Hope you don't get clobbered for import duty on the gear !

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Thanks for all your advice guys and for the warm welcome to the forum! I'm picking up the scope in June and look forward to getting down to it when I return down under. Will keep you up-to-date.

Cheers, MikeH.

PS. I should be fine with import duty, but if things go pair-shaped I'll be sure to post my experience!

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