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Well ok so it was a human error. Took my C9.25 out for its first light and apart from ii being cloudy around polaris so wasnt able to do a full PA it got going with an alignment and looking at good old Saturn nice and early to show the family (to justify the recent purchase) :)

I then decided that althoug not PA's it was tracking pretty well, 2.5 mins on an unbarlowed SPC so I got to work.

Anways to cut along story short my last Imaging was about 8 days ago do to synscan failure on my 90mm, and I'd left the LP filter on the camera. And it didnt twig thats why the image had a blue hue to it:iamwithstupid:

Any suggestions on what I can do with these?

I have a go at post-processing but I think they may have to be assigned to the little book of blue Saturms ;)



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Thanks Dennis, I do have CS5 but was looking for a more realistic colour ;)

here's a slightly processed version of Blue Satrun, SPC, Bx2, 2mins @ 5fps


Just imagine how good this would look if it weren't blue :)

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