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The definitive guide to nebula - Is there such a book?

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I have just got a copy of Deep Sky Companions: Hidden treasures and I have to say it looks like a really useful book to help me in planning my imaging. Anyway, I have married a lot of it up with the Illustrated Guide to Astronomical wonders, but I still have something missing.

Is there a book that is similar to an atlas or guide that shows just nebulae of all types? Like a definitive guide? I have spent literally hours on the web trying to get such a list and wonder if it's already been done for me but I just can't find it?

Hope you can help. I know this is more for my imaging requirements, but I figure that it is open to a wider audience in this section.

Cheers folks.

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Sorry Sara,

You've got me stumped on that one. Can't think of a single sky atlas or guide that is exclusively focused on nebulae.

The only thing that comes to mind is the Lynds Bright Nebulae catalogue, included as part of the "Additional DSO Catalog" installer for Cartes du Ciel v3.


PS What are your skies like down there in the Parc Natural de Serra Calderona?

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