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M8, M20 and M21


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I have spent some time scanning in some old observations that have sat in my desk draw for years and came across this one. It has bought some good memories of our family holiday to Portugal with a 4 month nipper (now nearly 5!).

After we had eaten in the evening, I would head out with my 15x70 and home made mirror mount and observe in t-shirt and shorts until early morning from the villa we hired.

Not only does it bring back some good memories, the view of three deep sky objects together against a beautiful star field isn't too bad either.

You've got M8 the Lagoon nebula and the embedded open cluster within (NGC-something), M20 the Triffid Nebula just visible as a fainter patch of nebulosity and M21 a small open cluster.

This isn't visible from my garden obsy as there are too many houses and trees blocking the horizon so I have to drive up to Salisbury Plain to get a clear horizon to enjoy a repeat view.



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I find that I get more out of my observing every time I make a sketch. By taking the time to observe, you notice more details and interesting patterns plus you get a personal record of what you've seen.

I am looking forward to the return of the summer skies - although observing does get rather late now!


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