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Transporting/storing the scope

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I'm curious as to how to store the telescope in the house. Is it ok to have it mounted on the tripod, or will this cause the tripod some wear and tear? It's a bit difficult for me to store it separated (not undoable), so I would prefer to store it mounted unless it will affect the mount in a negative way.

I also wonder how it's normal to transport telescopes in cars. I have a 200mm reflector, so I usually lay it over the back seats and try to protect it with a couple of blankets.

Also, how hard a bump can a telescope typically handle without knocking the mirrors out of collimation? I sometimes bump it into the mount while setting it up.

In advance, thanks for all replies :)

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I've learnt that making sure the scope is properly balanced on the mount doesn't cause any wear and tear on the gear, and making sure the caps are on is a valuable lesson but i've still got a bit of dust on the primary mirror. Avoid any knocks and bumps and check collimation every time you view. These are all things that I picked up from this intuitive forum. I store mine in my wifes pottery shed so I don't have to move it very far to set up.

Good luck and clear skies.


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All my scopes live permanently on their mounts in observatories. It is not an issue. As above, balance should be about right but again it won't have any huge affect on anything even if it is a little out.

Minor bumps are inevitable but we don't have a Richter Scale for telescope bumping so it is hard to quantify!!


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