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  1. Hi,

    I just joined this forum. I saw your post in 2014 about your first light with the ASI120MM monochrome camera on a Coronado SolarMax telescope:

    I have a Coronado SolarMax 60 double-stack, and I'm thinking of upgrading my webcam from the Philips ToUcam 740 to the ASI120MM. My question is: How did you get the full-disk image of the Sun with your camera setup? Did you have to do a mosaic of two separate hemisphere images of the Sun shot at full resolution? I tried to image the Sun with the SolarMax 60 and the ToUcam, but even at prime-focus, the solar disk is still cropped. Kindly let me know. Thanks!


    1. Cornelius Varley

      Cornelius Varley

      It might be better to ask this question in the forum rather than a specific member. There are many other member with experience of solar imaging who might be able to help you.  CKemu isn't a very active member so you might have to wait a while for a reply. 

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