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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. What is the favored exit pupil?. I’ve heard so many opinions. The ideal i was told to aim for is 2 for DSO’s and down to as low as 0.5-1 for planets etc. Is there an upper limit over which the image will degrade? Sorry for all the questions
  2. The only load I put on my Dobsonian focuser is the eyepiece as it’s a strictly visual affair. If I was selecting a telescope for astrophotography then I would go for the R&P design. It’s the old saying “ Horses for courses “.
  3. Wow! Improvisation and ingenuity at their best. I love it. I’ll be thinking about this each time I wheel my own Dobsonian out for a viewing session. PS:- Is that a Baader and BST EP’s hitching a ride under the OTA?
  4. R&P simply stands for rack and pinion and even little plastic focusers on cheap telescopes are in fact R&P focusers. Just saying
  5. I went for the 32mm Celestron Omni as on the Celestron website it states that due to the 1.25” barrel size the 32mm and the 40mm will show the same area of sky
  6. I was faced with the decision on which one i should buy several months ago. On reviewing them all very closely the Stella Lyra won easily. I was delighted with the finish and solid build of the scope. The roller bearings make the azimuth movement butter smooth with a tension screw to adjust to your liking. The adjustable pivot points are a nice touch also. But the clincher was the dual speed focuser and the upright 9x50 finder , not to forget the fan for primary mirror cooling. I am so glad that I paid a few pounds more for the Stella Lyra Dobsonian 8”
  7. I have already bought the Baader Hyperion Zoom and Barlow and been using it. I also bought a Celestron Omni 32mm just for finding targets. I use the Baader Barlow with the Hyperion Zoom but use my GSO 2.5x triplet Barlow for my other EP’s
  8. He has fitted a Baader click lock (2”) and i thought it was only the 1.25” that fitted
  9. Hi Slaine 👋 Welcome to the lounge
  10. Was it the Baader 2” click lock that you fitted?. I was looking at doing the same thing however I thought that it was only the 1.25” that fitted due to the diagonal being 1.25”
  11. Yes the clothes peg and jar lid mods work a treat and I used the later on my 127. I have however just found a 3D printed (glow in the dark) focus knob that just slips over the existing one, Great for the £8 posted
  12. Thanks for your reply and was thinking about using in my 127 Maksutov. I have just bought a Baader Hyperion Zoom and the Baader Barlow with a 32mm Celestron Omni for finding targets. I have also bought several BST Starguider eyepieces. I don’t think that the SVbony 68’s deserve the stigma attached to them.
  13. What is your opinion on these SVbony UW 68 degree eyepieces? I keep hesitating to buy one to try, but they seem to tick all the right boxes. Thanks in advance
  14. Hi Peter, I am also from Oxford and also back into the hobby after a 30+ year break. I have bought a 200mm Dobsonian as well and also a 127 Skywatcher Maksutov Go to. The biggest difference I found on my return was that there’s now so much choice of equipment, of every genre. I am concentrating on visual for the moment but I am saving for a decent astrophotography set up. When I started viewing again, I asked myself “ Why did I ever stop in the first place “.Good luck with your Dob
  15. Thanks for that feedback Heather. I also have a new 127 Mak and was wanting to ask you about the maximum useful magnification that works for you? Seeing allows obviously. Thanks
  16. Yes I forgot to mention that they were version II
  17. That’s the ones. That’s a really good price you got
  18. Oops, trust me to step on this hot potato. Thanks for the heads up
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