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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. Have you tried doing a factory reset on your hand controller? Sometimes this can sort out transient faults.
  2. Just a second Lithium LT as I was fed up with swapping my existing one scope to scope. Great little power packs
  3. Yeah, they will definitely see a blip in their sales graph. I actually looked through the little LT70 the other night and optically it’s not too bad. There’s not a lot of chromatic aberration considering the price. The diagonal went in the bin though and the focuser is plastic but useable. I’m going to give it to one of my grandkids.
  4. Yes it’s inclined at a slight angle to ensure an unobstructed view of the night sky.
  5. I have transferred the starsense unit from the Celestron LT70 that I bought specifically for this purpose. I basically followed @johninderby and the mod that he did.(with a few different details). I even bought a rough and ready phone that works with the Starsense Explorer app to use more or less exclusively for Astro. I’m not a DIY person as a rule so be gentle 😂
  6. bosun21

    Hello Hello

    Welcome to SGL, it’s a friendly place
  7. Wow 1.4kg! now that is what you call a lump of an eyepiece. I was just about to mention, what you call de-cloaking and I call de-frocking (same outcome). From what I have garnered the axioms are a nice eyepiece, a conclusion I reached due to the fact that they very seldom come up for sale. I now have another few eyepieces to add to my list. Cheers Ian
  8. Thanks Dave, that explains a great deal and basically everything i wanted to know. Appreciated 👍 Ian
  9. Thanks Dave. What puzzles me, is why Celestron changed over from the Axiom to the Luminos. The feedback I’ve heard categorically favors the former 🤔. But then who am I to ask.
  10. Thanks for the heads up. It was just the first time I had come across them and was curious.
  11. Yeah, I bought one a good while ago from 365 astronomy for £35. I’ve since learned that it’s far cheaper going the used route.
  12. I have just recently come across these eyepieces from Celestron. I have previously heard about the Ultima edge and the Ultima duo, but not the LX. Has anyone got any experience or knowledge of this particular range of eyepieces. Thanks
  13. Some are heavier than 2lbs. The 40mm ES 68 degree is 1.2kg. That’s over 2 1/2lbs
  14. Is that the GSO 2.5x barlow in 1.25”?, or is the ED a 2” model? Thanks
  15. Oh I forgot to mention that the Skywatcher Skymax 127 go to is a Maksutov telescope which are excellent on the planets and the moon. They appear to small in length, but don’t be deceived. The Maksutov folds the light several times in the tube resulting in a long focal length. Depending on the level of light pollution you are dealing with can determine your choice of targets. The planets and moon are not affected so much by the light pollution. They can also be good for the brighter nebulae and clusters/ planetary nebula. It’s also a full go to, so unlike every other recommendation this will also track your target as it moves through the sky keeping it in your eyepiece. It’s also got a 46,000 object database of targets that it will select at your choosing. In the end it’s only you that knows what you want from your telescope, so take your time and think it through. Good luck
  16. In reading the recommendations in the previous posts, and your last response i was also going to recommend a 8” dobsonian. If as you say the size is off putting for you, then what about the 6” dobsonian? First Light Optics sell the Ursa Major which is a good scope and very much inside your budget. Then there’s also a 127 Skymax go to. A very able and powerful telescope albeit with a steeper learning curve. Whichever direction you take, buy the telescope that you will use most. Good luck 👍
  17. I just wanted to check that when you say you let the Baader wonder fluid dry, that you are not putting the fluid directly onto the eye lenses. You should be putting a couple of drops or a quick spray onto your microfiber cloth.Then gently wipe the surface of the lens (after a blow of air to get rid of any loose dust etc). I literally don’t have anything to dry.
  18. Postman dropped off a couple of boxes today. One from auntie FLO with an Explore Scientific 2x tele extender, and the other courtesy of @oldfruit with a 38mm Panaview eyepiece.
  19. I’ll take photos along the way through the process and I’ll create a post/thread showing each step i took. I’m waiting for some parts to arrive that are needed. I’ll message you as soon as I post it. Ian
  20. Thanks Dave. I will let you know how I get on with the 4.5mm on the first proper clear night i get blessed with. I don’t know about Barlowed. I suppose I could throw approximately 400x-440x at the moon (skies permitting) though. I’ll keep you posted. ATB Ian
  21. I have the EQ5 pro and I only use the setting circles for parking the mount in the home position. Did it once and marked the mount with a permanent marker showing the position. I haven’t used them since. Cheers
  22. Yes I have already thrown the supplied diagonal in the bin, and fitted a little 1.25” dielectric that i had spare. I will fettle it where I can and will probably pass it down to one of the grandkids.
  23. Just bought a starsense telescope to hack the unit onto my Dobsonian. Don’t know what to do with the scope though 🤔
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