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Everything posted by MalcolmM

  1. Brilliant thanks, I'm just about to head out but I'll try and get you them later or tomorrow at the latest. Malcolm
  2. Hi Steve, that's very kind of you, I'll certainly take you up on your offer. I'll check up on the dimensions, I think the inner diameter would need to be a little oversized so I can put a thin felt liner on. Malcolm
  3. Hi, Does anyone know if it is possible to buy end caps for the Tak CQ1.7 Extender Module? I currently use a couple of home made jobs; made out of stiff paper and sellotape in grand Blue Peter style! But they are not really befitting a Takahashi Many Thanks, Malcolm
  4. That's all very helpful advice; thank you all very much, Malcolm
  5. Hi, I'm a new member here. I'm wondering what is the best course of action when you come in from observing and the lense steams up with condensation? Is it best to leave it with the lense cover off untill the condensation has evaporated? I'm a little reluctant to leave it uncovered overnight when 'stuff' might settle on it but maybe this is needless paranoia! Thanks, Malcolm
  6. Just to put a stake in the ground as to my amateurishness here's my favourite two. The deep sky is 10 half second shots (no guided mount at the time), no darks or flats and processed in Sequator. I used a Skywatcher 4" Startravel. The moon is a single shot through the Tak. I must say I have been blowen away by the incredible images posted on this forum.
  7. Thanks! I'm afraid you've been blamed every time my partner complains about another expensive telescope appearing from FLO
  8. Hello everyone, I have been following this forum for a good few months anonymously researching telescopes, eyepieces, mounts etc. and have found the posts very useful. I have always been interested in astronomy since teenage years but lockdown provided a great opportunity to upgrade my gear from a cheap but much loved SkyWatcher. I am now vast sums of money out of pocket having decided that Takahashi is the only way to go I loved my FC100DC so much I bought an FS60CB/Q as a travel scope! I am mostly visual but occasionally stick a DSLR on the end of the scope. Thank you to all the Tak lovers who's posts persuaded me there was something special about them. I am very much in that camp now; no disrespect to the many other excellent scopes! Malcolm
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