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Posts posted by johngm

  1. 2 minutes ago, Bigwings said:

    Don't you just hate it when your "upgrade" doesn't work. 

    I just bought a lenovo m10 2nd generation which on booting upgraded to Android 11. Downloaded SynScan Pro to use the tablet to control the mount. The front sreen of the prog loads and then disappears. Crash, gone 🤔🤔🤔. Anyone had this problem. Is there a fix?

    Thanks for your ideas



    I had the very same issue with my Galaxy Tab. It's a software issue, and if i remember right, you download a different version from the skywatcher site. Can't remember the exact version, but someone will be along and point you in the right direction.


  2. Hi Steve,

    Sods Law, since purchasing, I've been working away, and when I've been home, its done nothing but rain or clouds. Don't suppose I'll get to use it until next month when Astronomical Dark returns. When i do, i will post on here and do some test images to upload


  3. Just to let everyone know, i have just bit the bullet and ordered one from FLO. Askar 7nm OIII Narrowband Filter | First Light Optics. When i receive it and the weather plays ball, i will do a review on this filter. Just a question to all, can you recommend a good Narrowband target for this time of year, that is good in OIII wavelength ? and maybe a target with a Bright star in the frame to test for Halo's/Reflections. I will be using it in conjunction with my SX694 m pro and ED80 scope


  4. 8 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

    If you can stretch to £179 I can recommend the Astronomik OIII 6nm. No halos when I tested on a bright star. (Despite my recent issues with halos and reflections which I suspect is my flattener, but that's another thread)

    Thanks for the reply Dave, The Filter i was looking at is £179, as mine are 36mm and unmounted. The astronomik 36mm are mounted and £268, plus need a bit of Jiggery pokery to fit in the wheel with my Baaders, plus, more than i can afford at the moment.

  5. 8 minutes ago, SamAndrew said:

    I'd say 85% is a little low, more like 98% for me! they proved there were no fundamental design or construction flaws; all those welds that could have failed, the glide, the engine restarts, and the belly flop - all went perfectly.

    And SN9 is even better. Better Stainless steal, and the welded seams on that look even better. I think with SN9, he will land it successfully. 

  6. 43 minutes ago, JamesF said:

    The rocket tested yesterday is actually intended to be a second stage.  There will be a much bigger first stage to get it off the ground, I believe.


    I concur James, this will be mounted on top of the Super Heavy which will have 28 of these Raptor Engines. The Starship section is to be fitted with another 3 engines, these will be vacuum raptors for orbital flight. SN9 is Completed and when the data from SN8 is obtained,  he  will make the necessary mods to prevent the crash happening. Elon said they Lost pressure in the LOX header tank and if you look, you can actually see the liquid methane burning green prior to the crash land. I personally think this was an 85% success when you think what SN8 Achieved. First time 3 raptors used together, the engine command, the belly flop and skydive, and the operation of the flaps and Engine reignite to get it vertical.  It even landed on the Pad ! (although crashed). I'm fairly confident that SN9 will get it right.  Speculation is that SN9 will Launch in January


  7. 26 minutes ago, Mr Thingy said:

    Thanks @vlaiv

    That helps a lot.

    My camera has an integrated filter wheel that already takes up 26.5mm, so that rules out the EF-M lenses. 

    I was looking at the adaptor you use and it's good to know that it's 19mm as that would be too much for my kit.



    So I need to find another mounting option. Seems the camera has a 1/4" threaded hole, so I guess I could mount via that.

    As Allen has already suggested, you could go down the M42 camera lenses, which you can pick up a quite good prices on flee bay, and they are actually quite good, especially if you drop them down a couple of stops

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Mohib said:

    Maybe that’s the issue. This is what I’m using. I use this with my lightrack ii


    TalentCell Rechargeable 12V 6000mAh/5V 12000mAh DC Output Lithium Ion Battery Pack for LED Strip and CCTV Camera, Portable Li-ion Battery Bank with Charger, Black (Multi-led Indicator) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ME3ZH7C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_PWUTFb1Z30ZVY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

    That could be your issue, just read the add and its a non contstant 1 amp. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, Kryptic said:

    Just an idea - red led flashes when you try to slew? This suggests low voltage 

     What power source are you using?


    Well spotted, i just noticed that. And that power supply looks nowhere near powerful  enough. 

    Mohib, do you have a mains to 12v adaptor laying around you could try ? at least 3Amp

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