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Posts posted by Fish

  1. I have a 1.2 q sd card that works, If I look at that card in my pc I can not see any adata files. Its a 4 gig card and it reports that it is allmost full even though there are only 500 kb of files that windows can see. I have show hidden files but can not actually see the data files. If you can tell me how to get the file off the card I could attempt to share it on google. If I think back im sure there is a way to read the files but at this moment I can not work it out.

  2. I may need help here as my old foolish brain has forgot how these files work. Correct me if im wrong but you need the autostar suite to make the sd card because windows cant see all of the files on the card. I have the 1.2tc bin file that is 397kb in size and is the working one if I remember correctly, I also have 1.3b which is 399kb in size and I used these two files to make the two sd cards that I use. I also have Autostar 5 and 5.5 and if I remember correctly 5 makes the 1.2 data files and 5.5 the 1.3.

    Please let me know if any of the above are what you require the bin files I can email if you pm me.

  3. Thanks for the reply, I have the latest Autostar and have used it to create a new SD card and it just updates the .BIN file does not write the data. I wanted to just make an updated SD card and leave the old one as it is with the old GPS enabled software.

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