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Status Updates posted by Penguin

  1. Hi Snakey,

    Can I ask, did you manage to source a replacement LCD for your V3 Synscan controller? I think I have the same problem on my V2: the controller lights up but the display is blank. Pressing Ok repeatedly eventually gets the scope to slew, probably going to the first available star in the alignment process so I am pretty sure the controller itself is fine and I would much rather replace the LCD than the whole controller!

    For now, I am disconnecting and reconnecting the ribbon cable, in case its just a 'dry joint'.

    Any advice would be gratefully received.

    --- Alistair.

    1. SnakeyJ


      HI Alistair,

      I think the ribbon cable wear very quickly and are not intended for multiple connection.   In the end I brought another V3 handset, though to be honest I hardly every use this since being introduced to EQMOD and CDC, which is far better IMO for an observatory setup.      You will see V3 and the new V4 handsets come up on Astrobuyandsell from time to time around the £ 60-85 mark second hand.


      Good luck - Jake

    2. Penguin


      Ok, thanks for that, I might start monitoring AstroBuyAndSell.

      I also like EQMod, ASCOM and StellariumScope but that is also playing up the last couple of times: complains about the Prolific USB driver though it was fine 3 weeks ago. The hand controller was my backup!

      It did display a few ascii symbols for a few seconds later last night and I have seen multiple posts suggesting it might actually be my power supply. But I am using a 12V, 5A mains supply so surely that can't be it?

    3. Penguin


      Plugged it in this evening and it worked fine. I think I will just keep the controller indoors and concentrate on getting EQMod etc working again.

      Thanks for the advice.

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