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Posts posted by chiltonstar

  1. I third it! I bought one last year (ZWO), mainly for imaging, but it works well visually. The belt detail in Jupiter was noticeably sharper with it in place, and views of Saturn more detailed, but also "the right colour" - less muddy from the near horizon seeing.


  2. I spent some time on them last night with a range of EPs, and found that a 15mm Vixen SLV with my 180 Mak showed them up best. Higher or lower mag made them less visible, given the seeing conditions. I could see the four most prominent ones fairly easily, with hints of several others. As the seeing was passably ok, I popped my ASI220 mono on the scope for a quick pic, which shows the most obvious four.

    Nb - as you can see, I'm not a Lunar observer, or an imager.




    • Like 5
  3. Sounds like a nice, fun scope!

    Stelle Doppie has STF 1338 with mags 6.7/7.1, sep 1.0 and PA 320, and 57 Cancri 6.1/6.4, sep 1.6 and PA 309. Are these the figures you used, as the PA looks a bit odd on your sketches, although I always struggle with the upside down and reversed images from a newt??






  4. 41 minutes ago, Stu said:

    Looks like I already did! Had forgotten.

    From the January edition of S&T - great chart! Is this the one you have?

    I can copy it maybe if it doesn't cause a copyright issue.....

    If you use a goto or setting circles, you could catch  Saturn and Jupiter higher in the sky maybe - the seeing and detail are often better IMO?


  5. 41 minutes ago, Stu said:

    Thanks Chris. I noted that one whilst perusing Skysafari a few weeks back. Would you mind creating an entry in the Celestial Events Calendar? Happy to do it if you are not sure how.

    If you could do it please Stu - many thanks! I always look down the S&T SkyGazers Almanac to find interesting events for the year, and then look them up on SS.


    • Like 1
  6. Worth noting the close conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter at the end of twilight on December 21st 2020, Winter Solstice (that must be one for the astro*****s!) They are 0.1 degrees apart, the closest for 20 years or so and close enough to get in the same high power FoV, complete with moons galore. This is a SkySafari simulation:-



    Screenshot_20200131-090242_SkySafari 6 Pro.jpg

    • Like 10
    • Thanks 8
  7. 42 minutes ago, John said:

    Great stuff Chris :smiley:

    I've not managed to observe in quite a while, mostly because of the weather, but I'm glad to read an enthusiastic report to show that its worth the effort when the chance comes along :thumbright:

    I wonder how the 203mm GSO classical cassegrain would fare on 52 Orionis :wink:

    I await such a test on a real object with interest!


    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, RobertI said:

    Nice report, I’ve looked through pretty much every type of scope but never a Mak, need to remedy that. How did you produce your simulation?

    Using Aberrator, or a DIY program.



    • Thanks 1
  9. Despite the weather forecast here last night, it was actually glorious for a couple of hours (22:00 - 24:00). Using my 180 Mak I re-acquainted myself with AN's double Star of the month for January, 52 Orionis.

    A beautiful pair of whitish yellow nearly equal stars 1.0 arcsec apart. The seeing was good to excellent, so that the pair could be seen as a double at x270 (10mm ortho), and at x450 (6mm ortho), the pair could be seen as a clearly separated double with dark space between them (simulation below - visually slightly clearer than the sim.).

    The Trapezium was stable initially, but began to break up as Orion moved round to the west and began to sink over a house with a heating plume. The E and F stars were clear at x135, but not really separated below that or visible at much above x180. Always a thrill to see the Trapezium with all six stars clearly resolved against the background of M42, although M42 wasn't too impressive last night because of the nearly full Moon.

    The Moon itself was glorious - I spent nearly half an hour looking at the Mare Crisium and Cleomedes area - a huge amount of detail because of the oblique lighting. The Mak often offers amazing views of the Moon when conditions are right.

    Roll on some more clear skies..........



    52 orisim.jpg

    • Like 15
  10. 46 minutes ago, Stu said:

    Chris, isn't it the fact that the corrector enlarges the light path slightly, so the mirror would need to be oversized to maintain full aperture? I'm sure there is something like that anyway. 

    Yes, exactly Stu. The full aperture of 180 is maintained by having a slightly oversized mirror., meaning that the aperture really is 180mm.


  11. I have a couple of different ND filters (and an Nd filter) I use, mainly to avoid the effects quoted above of having one iris fully open, one closed, and trying to walk around the garden half blinded at night!  Occasionally, the brightness of the Moon at low mag has triggered visual migraines (scotoma), which although fascinating are best avoided, even if they are harmless.


  12. I have two maks and it sounds excessive to me - both mine have a little backlash ands a small amount of image shift at high magnifications. I have heard (I have never tried it though) that winding the focus to one extreme and back again can reduce/eliminate focus shift - maybe worth trying, if not back to the supplier I think as it sounds as though something has not been tightened internally.


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  13. I've been tempted to buy one of the adaptors that ZWO produce* (eg  https://www.firstlightoptics.com/zwo-accessories/zwo-nikon-t2-adapter-suitable-for-all-asi-cameras.html, ) but notice a number of reviews eg on CN that point to difficulties in removing these from the lens once fitted. Manufacturing tolerances seem to be blamed. Has anyone any experience of these adaptors to confirm or not the tolerance issue?

    Many thanks!


    * to use my range of Nikon lenses for imaging and guiding

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