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Ed the Fox

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    Astronomy, meteorology.
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    St Helens UK

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  1. You could always do what I did and fill the legs with kiln dried sand.
  2. I have the same scope mounted on a az gti. I purchased an 8mm and 15mm BST eyepieces and am made up with them. My 15mm is my goto eyepiece and I may get a 12mm in the future. I'm also going to buy a 32mm plossl for low mag objects like open clusters.
  3. The first time the scope has been out this year and I only got an hour tonight unfortunately. I had to look at The Pleiades first and they looked fantastic but I need a 32mm eyepiece to fully appreciate them. The Beehive looked good too but not the best I've seen it. However the Orion Nebula did look impressive tonight with the nebulosity looking very clear. Just an hour but a productive one non the less.
  4. I have a 130m and apart from the standard eyepieces I have an 8mm and 15mm BST Starguider eyepieces. They are an amazing addition for your 130m. My next purchases will be a 32mm plossl for wide angle open cluster viewing and a 6mm planetary eyepiece. I personally would not go any less than 6mm as you'd really be pushing the 130m to its limits unless you are in bortle 1 skies.
  5. Welcome to SGL from a fellow astronomer from the other side of Billinge Lump. (Chuckled at the people who don't understand the pie eater thing)
  6. Well after having my scope for over a year and promising to let my daughter look at the planets this evening especially as her two girls of 6 and 3 where with her I took the opportunity to get the scope out as it was perfectly clear. Looked at Saturn first and they where blown away especially my 6 year old granddaughter who had recently had a discussion at school about the planets. We then moved on to Jupiter clearly showing the 4 Galilean moons. And again everyone was in awe. My daughter was moved to tears as she was so amazed at what she had seen. Finally the moon had risen to an altitude where we could have a look at it but being almost full it was extremely bright. My daughter was in awe of the detail she coul see and again was moved to tears I think they'll be all asking again for a look through the scope.
  7. Wanted a dual focuser in my 130m. Im not sure if the focuser on the 150 has a thread on the very end of it as my 130m has but I purchased one of these to solve my problem. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/baader-125-to-364mm-helical-focuser-fits-vixen-thread.html I hope this helps.
  8. I have the very same scope that used to be on the same mount and yes the RDF us a bit onthe useless side. I now have the scope on a Skywatcher GTI mount and only use the RDF for scope alinement.
  9. For the first time in weeks I took the scope out into the back garden at about 9pm. Allined the GTI mount but from my vantage point nothing was available so let the scope cool down for a bit. Seeing was 4 but I'm in Bortle 7 skies here in St. Helens so the GTI mount is very much needed. Once back out, Saturn was my first target and I was not disappointed even though it looked a bit "soft". Using the 8mm BST eyepiece it really looked impressive, much better than last year. Jupiter was up next and it was bright. Could easily make out the banding through my 130m with all four Galilayan moons all lined up nicely. Had a brief look at M31 before moving onto a target I know would be pushing my scope and that was Uranus. The GTI put it right in the middle of the field of view and seeing an extremely small pale blue dot I knew instantly it was one off my list. It looked better through the 10mm that came with the scope rather than the 8mm BST as the skies in the East where not good this evening. All in all a productive and rewarding 90 minutes and mount and scope both performed well,
  10. Cheers @Louis D I'll look around for those eyepieces.
  11. @Louis D The 32mm plossl is a great idea as I do go hunting open clusters a lot and the 25mm just doesn't quite cut it. I thought the 5mm BST may be pushing it a bit with my scope but you think it's OK?
  12. I have a Skywatcher 130m and have purchased the BST 8mm and 15mm and both are excellent eyepieces. I will be buying the 12mm and 18mm in due course. I still use the 25mm eyepiece that came with the scope as that's more than adequate. For me the BST eyepieces where one of the best purchases I ever made.
  13. I swap from one eye to the other every couple of minutes or so to give the viewing eye a bit of a rest.
  14. I have a 130m on my gti and it's fine with that. The 130pds is shorter so should be OK.
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