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Everything posted by julian_1234

  1. I got an email from UPS saying Save time – prepay your fees and taxes. You can pay now for your HAINAN FOSUN INTERNATIONAL LOGISTIC parcel or pay your driver. I prepaid using a credit card.
  2. For information I bought a Juwei 17 from Aliexpress back in May for about £800. On arrival in the UK I received an email from UPS to prepay the "fees and taxes", and that came to £73. I'm not sure how they worked it out, but I was happy. About a year ago I bought an astro camera for around £900 from the same Aliexpress seller, and I received that with no extra fees to pay. So that one slipped through 🙂 Currently I have on order a pair of binoculars for about £100, which I had to pay tax on at the Aliexpress checkout, and a telescope for £400, which didn't ask for any taxes. So I'm expecting a payment request when that gets into the country.
  3. Just doing my daily Youtube browse, and I came across a video of an astronomer using a field flattener as an alternative to a Hyperstar. It needed an adaptor to be made, but the results shown at the end of the video appear to be quite good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsOhAP8-tow
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