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  1. Hi Nicola - And here I am unbelievably a year later responding to your post. Thanks so much for sharing your set up! I really love the Tak 76. It has such great optics and is perfect for road trips.
  2. I'm a new AZ GTi owner using SynScan Pro ver 2.0.6. While trying to learn the mount's operation, I've had no problems running SynScan indoors w Android 12 and wifi networks close by & no data features turned off. My downfall came yesterday when attempting to use SkySfari Pro 7 after first staring SynScan & aligning. Connections on both apps dropped (most frequently SkySafari 7) every few minutes IF I could even get SS7 to connect. Sounds a little like tripleped's issue. Any thoughts?
  3. I had the same question, so thank you, Ade
  4. Hello! I've just stepped up to a used Tak FC-76D and have been reading your posts with great interest. Although rather late to this party, I'm really wishing to know how things turned out for Nicola. Especially the diagonal question as I have (and plan to stick with) 1.25 for now. I purchased the TeleVue 1.25 Everbrite Star diagonal and am contemplating the Baader Zoom. Unfortunately, it's been raining buckets for weeks and there's been no opportunity to test the telescope at night. Is the TeleVue a bad choice? Should I have gone with the Tak prism? Was Nicola able to resolve focus problems (and how)? Do you recommend the Baader Zoom for this scope? Many thanks in advance for your thoughts
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