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Everything posted by ONIKKINEN

  1. My very first DSO astrophoto from last september. Taken with a DSLR at 100mm focal length piggybacking on a Celestron Asstromaster 130MD. The motor kit allowed me to take 12 second exposures without noticeable trailing. This is i believe around 12 minutes of exposure, processed in DeepSkyStacker and GIMP. I didnt know what i was doing at the time so that is why there is a gradient, satellite trails and weird colours. Still this started my descent into the rabbit hole and neither the bottom or the hole in which i fell are visible anymore.
  2. New user but not quite new to the hobby, i am now almost a year into the hobby with most of it being dominated by trial and error in astrophotography. I have made many bad decisions already and know how to fix them (money...), but as im stubborn i will still attempt to make things work for far longer than i should. I am currently running an OOUK VX8 on a Skywatcher EQM-35PRO (bad idea, just dont do this) with a 10 year old DSLR and a basic guiding setup. I am sick and tired of the Finnish summer and cant wait to get back to astronomy when we actually have something that could be called "night", well at least a month to go in the mandatory break and plenty of time to browse forums!
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