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Everything posted by Asoor

  1. I'm not really skilled but I have a friend who does a bit of blacksmithing and wood projects so I'll rely on him and his tools. I'm not sure about the collimation though. do you think the size difference is worth it? I'll try to ask the poster and see what he knows about the manufacturer. Thanks a lot.
  2. Yeah, I know people who got one for their university's astronomy club, it was an 8 inch celestron mak, at the time it cost 8000 pounds, they got it in for 30k. Thanks a lot though, I really appreciate the effort
  3. do you think I should build a 7 inch or a 160-1300mm one or buy a 152-750?
  4. I want to build one but the possibility of failing is a bit scary.if I'll build one it'll either be the 160mm one or the 7 inch, I'm waiting to know the focal ratio of the 7 inch one, the light pollution here makes seeing galaxies and nebulae impossible.
  5. I just contacted the seller and he told me they will have 7 inch mirrors, do you think building a 7 inch dob would be better or buying the 152 reflector? He said the mirror is parabolic as oposed to those, they are all spherical. It'll cost around 2500.
  6. No, I'd need a special permit and double the telescope's cost in taxes.
  7. Those are pretty much all that's available. My budget is around 5000
  8. My options are limited, the only one available is an f5 152mm, I had one of those and sold it because i couldn't see any detail, not even jupiter's belts. I don't know if that was a collimation problem or the telescope's quality. That's why I'm considering a 160mm whether that be a reflector or a refractor.
  9. It's a bit complicated but selling telescopes are banned here except for a few sources so, there aren't things of that sort. I only saw one person with an 8 inch celestron mak. So I'm kind of relying on youe opinions.
  10. Hey everyone, I'm considering buying or building a telescope. The options are buying a 160-1300mm refractor, or building a 160-1300 reflector. There's a premade 160-1300mm reflector but it's double the price of the refractor so it's well out out of my price range. Unfortunately I live in a country where there aren't many options and all the telescopes are made here, not brand telescopes. Any thoughts?
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