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Everything posted by CaptainTweaky

  1. Hand controller message immediately after 'Intitializing' - "CAUTION . . . Both Axes - No response" I have SkyWatcher EQ6-R Pro, new AZ-EQ5GT and AZ-GTi mounts. If I use the hand controller from the EQ6, all three give the above message. So a fault with the hand controller you might think! If I use the hand controller that came with the AZ-EQ5GT, it works perfectly with its own mount, BUT when plugged into the AZ-GTi with the correct cable (that used to work perfectly well), I get the above message. So that would suggest it's not the EQ6-R hand controller, it's the mount!! Hmmm - now that's some coincidence, both failing at the same time with the same fault! I have updated the firmware so both hand controllers are, in theory, exactly the same. I have updated the AZ-GTi firmware and cleaned ALL the contacts and used different cables on all mounts, but the problem is completely consistent. The AZ-GTi and the EQ6-R work perfectly well when either tablet controlled or computer controlled respectively. Personally I prefer to use a hand controller for the AZ-GTi because you can feel you're pressing the correct direction buttons, it's not necessary to look at the screen. But more than that, I'd really like to know what on earth is going on. Has anyone else encountered this exact same problem or very similar? Does anyone have any idea what can be causing such a coincidental error? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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