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Everything posted by DonPierce

  1. I recently took videos of Jupiter. I did 6 one minute videos one right after the other. Now my dilema: 1) To join these videos in PIPP and put the one video into Stakkert. Then process the final image in Registax. 2) Run each video in Stakkert. End up with six images and then Stack in Registax. Not sure which will give you a better final image? I understand you can derotate in WinJupos and I guess then stack? Not familiar enough with this program yet. So many paths to take but which works overall to start?
  2. I have four 1 minute videos of Jupiter and want to combine as one so I can input to Autostakkert3. The problem I have is the output from PPIP is black and white. I changed the bayer parameters but that is not working. It must be something simple. Follow up - I resolved this issue. I wish I could just delete the post but cannot find a way.
  3. I am looking into the ZWO 2" 5 position filter wheel. I have not had much luck finding reviews of this product for comparing to other filter wheels. My main concern is the following: First i would image with multiple filters on the same night Next, in the morning I need to generate flats for each filter. I have read somewhere that some of the filter wheels do not position at the exact same location each time. This would make generating flats frustrating as there would be alignment problems when you go to calibrate. Anyone have any info on this situation and the product?
  4. I have used PHD2 to generate mount motions and fed that into Pecprep. Great tool but I cannot see how to upload the Pecprep to my CGX-l mount. It states to use EQmod but that does not communicate with the CGX-l. It seems to be entirely driven by COM ports but I only have usb connection. I have used Pectool and that works but Pecprep shows so many other issues of the PEC data that I would prefer to use that correction curve.
  5. I was hoping to find one that can allow me to insert 2" or 1.25" filters in the drawer. I found this one but have not heard anything about it. Blue Fireball Filter Drawer https://agenaastro.com/blue-fireball-1-25-inch-filter-drawer-p-21.html Has anyone had experience with this one or can recommend something else?
  6. Thank you I was able to stack after adjusting the star %. I was able to stack with my darks and a bias sub. Now I have a tiff that looks like I captured something but when I put in Photoshop I am having a hard time getting rid of the green background and enhancing the actual galaxy. Are there specific steps that would be helpful in getting a better picture? thank You Autosave011.tif
  7. I have 15 subs light and dark along with a bias. 15 sec exposure at ISO 800. When I run DSS I have the star detection at 5%. I get about 8-10 stars on each light frame. Scores are between 20-50. I am really pushing this by using a Edghd C11 and my Samsung S21 phone. I used a Bahtinov mask to get some kind of focus on the camera. I do notice a bit of star trail on some of the stars. Not sure if that is my problem or what?? I used Skysafari plus 6 to align and did ASPA. Then did align again. Does DSS care about the photo looking like a porthole view? The tiff is just using Raw Camera to convert the dng file. BTW - there is clearly LP and I did take another set with my Orion UHC Narrowband filter but still run into the same problem in DSS. Any suggestions would be appreciated. 20210505whirlpool.TIF Lights_0009_20210504_222557.dng
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