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Everything posted by Jubi_Resik

  1. That I don't know, but if the house is similar to traditional wooden ones I've seen in Austria and Bavaria, the balcony may well be at what we might consider the 'end' of the house as far as traditional UK design goes. Alpine roof design allows whatever drains off it to shed to the side, away from the access / windows etc. Presumably because of snow.. So perhaps the 'A' of the roof line as seen from the balcony allows a sight of Polaris from the end where the obstruction is low ? Pure speculation of course ! Heather Yeah it's a traditional "Chalet" Type of House with a high A Frame, and the Balcony is 1.5 meters extended from the Roof. So actually i got more than 180°
  2. So Thanks again. Right now i'm looking at celestron nexstar 6se or 8se. What do you guys think about those? Positives and Negatives?
  3. Hi Starwatcher 2001 Yes i can see Polaris from my place. So that's not a problem
  4. So I'm definitely luckier than other people from the balcony. I don't have any Streetlights near my place. I only got 3 neighboring houses that also don't emit almost no light. The next bigger place is 10km away and i live on the border of a national park. My balcony is facing south , the only view obstruction are the mountains in the background, but since i also live on top of a hill this is not that much of an issue. I have a 180° view from the balcony with just really small villages with no real light pollution. balcony use is mostly for winter, because we got really cold dry nights. in summer time would be more in the hills of the Gantrisch region.
  5. haha. yeah the auto correct messed this up pretty good The balcony is fairly big. biggest part is 3x3 meters.
  6. Thank you so much for the replies. So i live in a remote town in Switzerland with balcony for at home usage. I live near the Gurnigel (which is a good spot for looking at the stars). I'm quite used to lifting heavy weights due to my job (up to 30kg 66lbs) is no problem. we just backpacked with heavy load for 750 km, so physical condition is pretty good. i don't have a car but a moped with a trailer. so mobility is kind of there but not really. Go To would definitely be my Joyce. But I'm definitely willing to learn the sky. Astrophotography is definitely not mandatory. (would be cool but not on the must have list) Deep Space would be nice but I think the wise Joyce is to settle for a telescope to see the planets. For me is just important that i have a clear image and not just a blur... Would be really cool to see the storm on Jupiter or the rings of Saturn. Thanks again Jubi
  7. Hello There I've used so far a really cheap telescope that you can look at the moon, but its time for a big upgrade. What I'm looking for: Go To Photo / Picture Capturing Looking at Planets (no blurry images) looking at nebulas looking at galaxies different eye peace's possibly connect to pc software for screen usage price range up to 1500$ I've no idea if I'm out of my mind with my wishes. but for me the market and numbers and features of the description for the telescopes are a bit overwhelming. So I hope that someone can recommend a telescope for me Thanks Jubi
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