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Everything posted by Richh81

  1. Hi, I recently joined SGL & posted a thread the other day about the SW star adventurer mini and how I was looking to either get the counterweight kit or a ball head and then questioned whether anyone had ever used something like the Manfrotto 327RC2 grip head and whether it was any good to use with the SAM or if a traditional ball head is easier and more accurate to use - can I ask what set up you have (whether you use the counterweight kit or a ball head?). I'm fairly new to all this and am really keen to get set up but my physical limitations and the weather have meant i've still not been able to have a go since I brought it in November last year! Would appreciate any help or tips you may be able to throw my way, you obviously have it sussed - nice pictures by the way! Richard
  2. Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and although not new to photography or star gazing, I basically just picked up the camera/telescope etc and taught myself without ever really learning the correct terms or jargon for everything! Just back in November I treated myself to a Skywatcher SAM and Powerpack (bargain price - silly not to!), unfortunately there have been very few nights since then suitable to get it unpacked and give it a trial run. I'm basically looking to see what equipment and set ups others use as I either need to purchase the counterweight kit or a suitable ball head and I am wondering which technique others prefer and if anyone has ever used something like the Manfrotto 327RC2 Light Duty Grip Ball Head instead of a 'typical' ball head? I appreciate that everyone has different tastes and find certain things easier than others, but I am extremely cash strapped and can't afford to go and buy one of each to try them out. What appealed to me with the Manfrotto grip ball head was the (seemingly) ease of use, but I am wondering whether this is going to be suitable for use with the SAM or if a traditional ball head is easier to use and more accurate? I apologise if there are similar threads to this out there, but I am very impatient to finally get started and wanted to get something ordered before the little cash I had put by gets spent on something else! Would appreciate any help, advice or assistance you guys might be able to offer, thanks Richard Current equipment: Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF 70-300 1:4.5-5.6 & Sigma 10-20 1:4-5.6 DC HSM - Skywatcher Star Adventurer Mini & Skywatcher 200pds & HEQ5 mount
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