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Posts posted by el_hop87

  1. Hey everyone, Happy Christmas! I was hoping to ask for some advice on a potential set up if that’s ok please. 

    I have a Nikon D800 (full frame), Skywatcher AZ GTi, Skywatcher 72ED and am planning to add a guiding set up - I was thinking ZWO miniscope 30mm f/4, ZWO ASI120mm and Asiair Mini.

    Do you think this would work ok and does anyone have any experience using this set up?

    Many thanks in advance!


  2. Many thanks for this - yes, its a great idea to practice on available data, I need to do lots more of this! 

    I'm afraid 60 second exposures are the longest I can get with my current set up (even then I was beginning to get star trails)- I think that guiding would help, once I have the budget for it. It was a moonless night, but light pollution is a factor as I live in a Bortle 6 city. 

    Software I am using is Deep Sky Stacker, Star Tools and final edits in Photoshop and Lightroom. 

    Many thanks again for your help! 

  3. Hi Adrian, 

    Thank you very much for reply! - this is really useful. I know what you mean re the stars, good to make things look as natural as possible. I hadn't realised about the star spikes being a result of a reflector, I thought they were developed in post processing (not as a new superficial creation, but as a development of existing stars in the image) - your edit is brilliant, and the large stars look much better than in mine and more detail/ shape on the horse head itself. 

    Can I ask which processing software you used please? 




  4. Hi

    I have still got a lot to learn with post processing and was wondering if anyone could advise on how to create the "twinkle" on large stars in images please. I am editing my Horsehead Nebula shot but the large stars look blown out rather then sharp and the typical 4 spike twinkle that you see in some image.

    Please see below link to my current file, and the original file to this post - if anyone could help with this particular issue as well as any other suggestions on how I could improve, that would be very much appreciated! :

    - Image so far: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9vqn9babg1ff5 ... 3.jpg?dl=0
    - Original stacked fits file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oknlpjw92uv35 ... e.fts?dl=0

    For info I used a Nikon 5200, SW AZ GTI, SW Evostar 72ED and IDAS P2 filter - 1.5 hours of data at 60' subs, stacked image (DSS) is lights, darks, flats and bias.

    Many thanks in advance,

    • Like 1
  5. Hi all, 

    I have stacked images in DSS (lights and dark) of the Horse Head Nebula, which I am now trying to process in StarTools. So far I can make out the Horse Head but the colours are v pixelated. I am very much learning post processing skills atm, and still a long way to go! - These images were taken when the moon was 60% so it could be that I am having issues with light. 

    If anyone is able to help with advice, that would be much appreciated! - I have attached the stacked FITS file in case its easier to look for yourself. 

    Thank you very much! 


    Horsehead nebula_00001.fit

  6. Thank you both very much! - that is a useful article re compatibility with StarTools. 

    Alacant- I think the main issue was the file I was trying to edit, didn't seem v compatible with StarTools. The other issue was not quite understanding the sliding settings, so following your video I gained understanding on the changes these can make (still need to build this understanding!)

    Thank you again, and for taking the time to teach me! - v grateful. 


    • Like 1
  7. Alacant- I cannot thank you enough!!! This video is wonderful and I have now followed every step. I have the trial version of StarTools so was not able to properly save my image, but managed to screen shot the attached. 

    I will definitely purchase StarTools as I find it easier to do the first part of processing following DSS, in here and then move on to photoshop/lightroom for final edits. 

    THANK YOU so much again, really is invaluable help and hopefully i'll be able to follow this framework going forward with other images. 

    My edit from vid.png

    • Like 1
  8. Hi all

    Thanks for your help. Please find the converted fits file attached. 

    Alacant- in the original file, I just uploaded the TIFF file straight from DSS, and someone also requested a JPEG file- I myself hadn't converted any further files at this point. As you did such a good processing of the original image using StarTools, I then downloaded the trial version and tried to follow the steps in the quick guide and on online youtube vids I could find. I converted the original TIFF file to FITs using Siril. 

    These were the general steps I followed: auto dev-- crop-- bin-- wipe-- auto dev- colour module. As I am knew to StarTools I tended just to stick to the automatic adjustments the software made after I pressed each module, and so didn't make many manual adjustments. 

    The image was black and white at first, then in the colour module it turned to the colours noted above. 



    RN fits.fit

  9. Hi, 

    I asked how to process stacked images of the Rosette Nebula in this forum recently and received v useful advice and support - members even attempted to process my image to demonstrate what could be done. 

    One member used StarTools to process the image and I have attached the result to this message - I tried to copy the process they used in StarTools and I seem to be experiencing issues with colour, please see my image attached also. I had previously followed the programme to complete auto dev---crop---bin---wipe etc. I have watched several youtube vids but the same colour issue remains. 

    Any help would be much appreciated as I would love to be able to process my images properly and to the extent that this kind member has. 

    Many thanks


    Processed image.jpg

    Colour Image.png

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