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Posts posted by mgutierrez

  1. On 29/09/2021 at 20:14, vlaiv said:

    It will reduce a bit of blue and red bloat on stars.

    Being doublet scope - it has some residual CA. For visual that is probably not issue since eyes are not that sensitive in far parts of spectrum (around 400nm and around 700nm on the other side of visible spectrum).

    Astronomik released 3 different luminance (UV/IR cut) filters - L1, L2, and L3 - each one a bit more restrictive in far parts of spectrum:


    With FPL51 ED doublets as fast as F/7 - you want to filter out those parts of spectrum to reduce that residual CA. Even some FPL53 doublets that are faster show slight blue fringing on some stars (that is why I asked about model).

    Hi all,


    This post is just was a looking for! I have also a 102ED doublet refractor with a noticeable CA. I've just purchased a mono cam. I've read very well about this filters to get rid off (at least partially) bloated stars. Does anybody has real experience and images shooting with these filters (and L3) and a FPL51 doublet?


  2. 4 minutes ago, 900SL said:

    Considered the Vixen FL55 SS?


    From my digging around this seemed to be pretty well corrected for colour, but backfocus appears to be critical and some coma to far corners at full frame. Everybody who has one seems to rave about the center field and frame brightness. 

    no plans for chaning my ota, for now; maybe in the future!

  3. On 17/09/2021 at 14:31, DaveS said:

    A tentative plan of campaign is to buy a set of Astronomik Deep Sky RGB filters, and add a L3 Luminance plus a H-alpha.

    Then consider  new telescopes or cameras for next year.


    I'm quite interested in this thread.

    What did you do finally?

    I have a TS102ED f7 refractor. I've just purchased a mono cam and now I'm still deciding which filters to buy, taking special attention to improve and reduce bloated stars (my doublet shows it noticeably). Astronomik deep sky + L3 may suit my needs, but a bit expensive for now. I wonder how a "standard" LRGB baader filters would behave.


  4. Does anybody has experience with Antlia LRGB PRO filters in a doublet refractor with some color aberration? Mine is ts102ed f7 and would like to know if these filters would reduce a bit the color aberration in blue. Astronomik L3 luminance filter has an higher blue cutoff, but also a higher price (the whole LRGB set I mean) 



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  5. Hi there!

    Sorry to bump this post again, but I really find it very interesting.

    I'm using a dslr cam and planning to go mono. My first option is a QHY294M pro. The kit composed by camera+lrgb filters+wheel is quite cheaper than the 268 itself, although the 268 is looks promising!

    I don't use stellarmate, but astroberry; which is very similar. I have a couple of questions. First of all, can anybody confirm that ekos (indi) works with two qhy cameras at the same time? My guiding cam is a qhy5, and would like to be sure I would not run into problems.

    I don't know if some of you have experience with qhy 294. If so, what are your thoughts? Yes, I know 268 is much better, but omg, very expensive.

    What about filters? My two principal candidates are Astromik LRGB Deep Sky and Antlia LRGB PRO (NB will come in the future).

    Regarding the FW, I would go for a QHYCFW3-M-US (7 os, 36mm).


    Any feedback is really appreciated.



  6. On 23/02/2021 at 20:43, AstroRookie said:

    Every time I start the astroberry, I do a system update (sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade)

    Hi there!

    Sorry to bump this post; just saw it by chance. If I may, I only wanted to give my opinion about this. I've learnt the hard way than an update is not always free of problems. I've broken my installation (if not broken, it shows an unexpected and very very weird behaviour) a couple of times due to bugs introduced in some update. So I'm now very careful with updating the system. Before updating (even from time to time, without updating) I perform a complete backup (image disk) of the whole microsd card. I messed up the installation one time just a couple of hours before of my imaging session, due to a system update. It will not happen anymore; at least if I can avoid it.



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