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Posts posted by PeterStudz

  1. 15 hours ago, IB20 said:

    Not sure if I have developed an astronomer’s bias or if I paying more notice to conditions but compared to when I was a lot younger I’m sure UK Autumn/Winters are yielding a lot fewer frosty, clear nights. If true seems quite a noticeable impact of climate change in a relatively short space of time.

    I don’t think you are imaging it. Eg according to the Met Office this autumn was the third warmest on record. 

    And in Southampton November was frost free. As far as I can tell that has only happened a couple of times in the last 12 years.






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  2. 1 hour ago, Elp said:

     a red dot I had to use one eye and have its alignment bang on otherwise it was no good.

    I always use a red dot finder with both eyes open. For me I’m making things difficult with only one eye.

    For example. If I’m location M3 from my garden I align the red dot roughly half way between Arcturus and Cor Caroli, slightly off to one side. Apart from these two stars naked eye I can’t see anything else - it’s quite a big distance of sky and I need both eyes well open in order to place the red dot in between the two. In this case the screen of the red dot finders only purpose is to reflect the red dot. Roughly 90% of the time M3 is somewhere in the RACI. For the small number of times it isn’t I’m close enough to star hop with the RACI. 

    But all of this is personal and subjective. 

  3. It’s personal. One isn’t better than the other. Eg I do most of my observing from my back garden which suffers from light pollution. A Telrad/Rigel can be used to star hop. But in my location there are so few stars visible with the naked eye I find this pointless and it just becomes a big and clunky RDF.

    I also don’t find my simple RDF at all “wobbly” but then I have it on a solid DIY mount. What I do is simply use the RDF to get in the right area of sky and then use my RACI finder scope to star hop. 

    Yes, they do have a habit of dewing up, but for me this doesn’t matter as long as the RACI is dew free. Even when the RDF is totally covered in dew I can still see the red dot and use it to get in the right part of the sky. If dew bothers you than a simple dew shield made out of cardboard or better still a thin sheet of craft foam improves matters no end and costs next to nothing. 

    I last aligned my RDF about 9 months ago. It hasn’t needed to be realigned since. I’ve never had an issue of it being knocked off! And personally I don’t like the common way of fixing a Telrad/Rigel which is with double sided sticky tape. In my experience this never lasts as long as bolting the thing down, although there are options of doing this with a Telrad/Rigel. 

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  4. For me there were some clear spells during some nights this week and I managed to get out twice before, in both cases, fog rolled in and killed off any more observing. Although having to work the next morning resulted in me not getting enough sleep and being far too tired. Worth it though. I suspect that the same will occurs in the near future despite the current unfavourable forecast. 

  5. Having been a “total newbie” not long ago plus having a daughter who’s interested in astronomy my advice would be to buy nothing until you have got use to what you have, learnt a little, done some observing and know what you both like looking at. Eg  it was only after some considerable time that my daughter decided she preferred the plants and also the sun - solar with a white light filter. This will obviously have an impact on eyepieces and accessories.

    Having said that most will replace the 10mm eyepiece first. But after using our kit I decided that a 12mm would be better for us. For what we have It gives a little more space around many deep sky objects which we prefer. And this has become our most used eyepiece. Others  might prefer an 8mm or 15mm. Maybe even a zoom. There’s no right/best solution. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Mike Q said:

    Dont over think collimation, after the second or third time it will become evident it was not worth sweating over lol.  I am surprised no one has mentioned getting some thumbscrews and replace the secondary mirror screws.  Then you tweak it by hand, no tools necessary.  Bobs Knobs seem to be the go to choice, but if you know the thread size you could probably find them cheaper at the local hardware store.  Might even consider changing the springs under the primary to something stiffer.  This really helps with holding collimation 

    I did get some Bobs Knobs for my 200p but not initially. I could collimate it perfectly well without but they do make it easier. Then, at the same time, I did the “milk bottle mod”, which made it even easier.  Didn’t mention it as it’s a question of where do you stop. 

    Unless it’s recently changed the Skywatcher Skyliner 200p Dob doesn’t have springs for the primary. It has rubber grommets. I known people criticised this but I last adjusted my primary 9 months ago and have used the telescope regularly. Since then collimation hasn’t charged one bit. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it :) 

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  7. I have a 200p Dob and managed  to collimate it as a complete beginner just using the cap. The telescope was second hand and way off when I got it. Mind, it was frustrating at first and took some time. But as someone said me “it’s a bit like learning to ride a bike”. Now it’s second nature, so you’ll be fine!

    I do now have a Cheshire plus a cap. For me the Cheshire allows a tad more accuracy but you could argue that it makes the process more complicated - there’s more going on when you look through it. And I’m not convinced that the tiny bit of accuracy has actually improved the views in any way that, in practice,  I can notice.

  8. Had an interesting session last night/this morning from my garden in Southampton. 

    Only planned to have a look at Mars, especially so that my daughter could see it again before she went to bed. 

    200p Dob & EQ platform out at about 9:20pm. Dew shields attached as it was definitely damp and dewy. Transparency looked good. Started on Mars around 10pm but the seeing was truly awful. The worse I’ve ever had. Mars just a fuzzy disc with no detail. Checked out Jupiter and that was fuzzy too. Could just make out some banding but it was all extremely washed out. 

    Then went to check out the star clusters around Auriga - M36, M37 & M38 - a favourite of mine. These did look good and I haven’t seen them in ages.

    A little look at the Orion Nebula. Always great. I could easily make out 4 stars in the Trapezium but they were oscillating/moving - not a good sign. 

    Then back to Mars. Still a fuzzy blob. Then, all of a sudden, within a few minutes, the view dramatically improved. I could make out the North Polar Hood. Some dark features running east to west and also patches of white to the east and west of the South Pole, especially to the east. Maybe clouds? But they were obvious. Another observation - the North Polar Hood appears to be shrinking. On a few occasions I could get the magnification over 300x before things got fuzzy once more. 

    I went back in for a coffee. Unfortunately, bring a school night, my daughter had long since gone to bed. Out again around mid-night. There was a lot of dew with gear soaking wet. Fortunately the dew shields did their job. Another look at Mars. Still quite good but maybe not quite as good. After a short while I could make out Syrtis Major swinging into view from the east. I attempted a sketch. One thing I’ve learnt is that with the likes of Mars you’ve got to look long and hard. Let eyes and brain build up a picture, almost like stacking when imaging. And It was mesmerised watching the planet slowly rotating and Syrtis Major coming more into view. The “clouds” near the South Pole still visible. 

    Mars was getting closer to zenith and my Dob harder to nudge. But once in the centre of the FOV the EQ platform does the work. At about 00:50 I noticed the view in the eyepiece starting to get dark. Looking up fog was rapidly rolling in! And within a few moments had completely covered the sky. Fascinating watching it form but ended the night. Probably just as well as I was thinking about other targets and had work in the morning. All in all not bad and looking at the forecast I’m glad I made the efforts 

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  9. 3 hours ago, Astronomist said:

    Clouded over on Friday for me at about 10PM. Just looked at the forecast, the south is supposed to be cloudy as far ahead as BBC weather goes. :clouds1::clouds2::BangHead:

    Don’t look at the BBC weather! The BBC also has it cloudy for me. Met Office and ClearOutside have a lovely clear night for Monday/Tuesday. Well, for Southampton 😀



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  10. 1 hour ago, Ratlet said:

    Scotland's resident Facebook weather guru Windy Wilson has said there is a change coming with a high pressure developing in the north east.  Hopefully mean some clearer skies.

    Also noticed the CA app showing cloudy when it's been clear.  Seems to be mostly high clouds with me.  


    There is certainly a change coming if you look at the forecasts. On social media many of the weather types, especially the amateur ones, have been getting very excited about the possibility of some very cold weather that we might get from around mid-December on.

    Although at least initially (first week of December), possibly after that too, the high pressure appears to be of the annoying cloudy type. Of course there could well be breaks and forecasts are often inaccurate or even totally wrong. 

  11. Personally I prefer a RDF plus RACI over a Telrad/Quikfinder. Some of that might be due to living in a light polluted area. I can’t star hop without magnification. I’m also not keen on mounting things with tape.

    For my 200p I made a simple bracket out of scraps found down my shed, but it would cost pennies to make. And mounted it with bolts to the side of the RACI pillar so that both finders are as close together as possible, can’t be knocked/moved and I don’t need to move my head very far from one to the other. It’s also very light in weight. 




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  12. 14 minutes ago, Mr Spock said:

    I could do with a couple of handles on mine. At the moment I lift it on and off using the alt knobs. I've trapped my fingers a few times... I don't find it heavy, just bulky and awkward.

    Even though my Dob is obviously smaller and lighter than yours I still find it awkward to move the whole thing, base and all. I also have a weak left knee which is still fine when lifting weight but an issue if anything is awkward and bulky. 

    I also find a handle useful when nudging at certain angles, especially near zenith. 

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  13. The best and most useful mods on my 200p (one of the cheapest too) was sticking a handle on it. 

    Although I haven’t had it long the Lacerta micro-focuser has also been great.

    And the DIY EQ platform that I made via the instructions on this website has been amazing, especially when observing at high magnification. I now could not do without it.

    For a few quid installing a smartphone bracket has given accurate PushTo using the PSAlign-Pro app.

    Other mods include - fully flocking the OTA & focuser - blackening the back & edge of the secondary - bobs knobs & milk bottle mod to the secondary - DIY dew/light shields - DIY white light solar filter.

    One of the things I like about Dobs (well, telescopes in general) is the amount of mods you can make with a minimum of tools and equipment thereby customising it to what you want. And everything can come apart and go back together with basic tools. Unusual in this day and age when most things are glued and welded together. 






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  14. What a good idea for a thread! And it’s made me realise that even though I do around 75% of observing with my daughter I haven’t got many pictures of her at/with a telescope. In fact I have more pictures of the telescope(s) on its own :(

    Here are a few that I have. It kind of illustrates our journey.

    First is on Christmas Day 2020 when she was 8 yrs old and about to look at the moon. I’d hurriedly stuck the thing together. Eagle eyed observers might notice that the RDF is the wrong way around!

    Second is our 200p in April 2021 which was give to us free from a member on here. No base and with a damaged primary.

    Third & fourth is the 200p (1145p in the background) with part finished base. Pictures taken at 4am in the morning, June 2021 at the end of a 2 hour session on Jupiter & Saturn. First ever look at the GRS for both of us. 

    Fifth & last picture is from July 2022 with finished 200p at the end of an all night session (4.55am) that included camping in the garden - looking for shooting stars plus scanning the sky with binoculars (no problem getting eyes use to the dark). At this point Alice had obviously just gone back to sleep but you can make out where she is so I’ve included it!

    Really should make the effort to take some people with telescope pictures and not just telescope pics!






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  15. On 23/11/2022 at 12:33, Ian McCallum said:

    Nothing fantastic from the postie, just cheap junk from eBay, so that I can at least look through the old Prinz Astral 500 I bought last week... 🙄

    I'm still waiting for a 0.965" to 1.25" adapter being delivered... 


    A Prinz Astral 500! My parents bought me a Prinz Astral 100 for Christmas 1970-something when I was a small boy. Didn’t see much but for a while I loved it. And could only dream of a model 500.

    Sadly my mother gave it to a charity shop in 1990-something. 

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  16. Just popped in after observing Mars in the 200p Dob in Southampton. Some high clouds occasionally passing through. Seeing OK but I’ve had better recently. Can get to 200x before things go fuzzy. Even so Syrtis Major is certainly visible as well as the north polar hood. 

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