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Everything posted by tayfun

  1. Thank you,unfortunately, my motherboard is burned.,
  2. Hi friends.I bought it 11 months ago.My motherboard burned down as a result of a short circuit when I pulled it out in the summer.2.I bought a motherboard.Last night, when I thought about the power of my battery, there was a very loud noise and my motherboard burned down.Battery 12 volts 80 amps.As equipment, Rebel Air pro,zwo 1600mm pro,zwo rebel 290mc, Zwo Oag and EAF are used simultaneously.Is there a place outside of America where I can fix it(because of the distance)?I live in Turkey.I can't get here.Because there is no fault scheme.I want to get done in a short time.Thank you
  3. Hi,It makes sound like mine.Last night, when the battery suddenly ran out, there was a terrible noise and my motherboard burned down.I am very sorry.This is the second motherboard.No one in my country can fix it.is there a place in England that can fix it?I live in Turkey
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