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  1. Hi guys! The distance between the FF/FR flange and the flange of the camera is 42mm + the additional 13mm to the sensor adds up to 55mm which I hope is correctly thought out. I guess I'll just have to keep adding spacer(s) until I find the optimal distance. I've understood that there will be some back and forth until the optimal distance is found. I guess this explains why Petzvals are so nice Many thanks to all of you for your answers and suggestions! Cheers
  2. Hi Guys! I have a TS CF90 APO with the stock flattener/reducer. According to TS the back focus for the FF/FR is 55mm from FF/FR thread flange. Attached I have an Atik Horizon II with a back focus of 13mm from the camera thread flange according to Atik. Now, I thought a simple arithmetic operation would yield an approximate distance of 55 - 13 = 42mm. I've added a Baader UV/IR filter and added 1mm for that glass in the image train. However, I still seem to be "way off" from being able to have the entire FoV in focus. All four corners show elongated stars pointing "inwards" indicating that the camera is too close. The measured distance between the flange of the FF/FR and the sensor position of the camera (visible in the picture) is 43mm - give or take 0.5mm. I'm beginning to feel rather stupid! Is my reasoning totally nuts or...? I'd really appreciate your thoughts on this as waaay more knowledgeable than me on this subject. Many thanks in advance.
  3. Hi Guys! I'm sorry for "hijacking" this thread but I seem to have a similar issue with my setup: RPi 4, 8GB RAM USB 3.1 Cable Astroberry with KStars 3.5.9 and Indilib 1.9 Atik Horizon II with indi_atik_ccd v2.9 driver EKOS is able to find my Atik camera and "ordinary" exposures and control work fine. The capture module of EKOS does not, however, allow me to use the "Live Video" functionality though so I thought "Ah, I have oaCapture to the rescue". Fired it up but my camera is not recognized. When issuing an "lsusb" I can see and anonymous device: Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0781:5584 SanDisk Corp. Bus 002 Device 004: ID 20e7:dfc3 Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 002: ID 2109:3431 VIA Labs, Inc. Hub Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub ...which I'm certain is my Atik camera as it disappears when I disconnect it and re-issue the "lsusb" command. Could this be a similar issue as the one you were struggling with earlier? Did you find a solution to this? Again, sorry for hijacking... Cheers ***** EDIT ***** I decided to amend the 99-atik.rules file, add the following line, reload the rules and disconnect/reconnect the ccd: SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="dfc3", MODE="0666" ...but it didn't help unfortunately.
  4. Hi! Thank you all for your kind suggestions! I decided to let the OTA "pass on"...
  5. Thanks for your encouraging words! Do you have any clue what the "silvery spots" might be??? It looks almost like small aluminium "lakes"...
  6. Hi! I have the opportunity to buy a C14 OTA. However the corrector seems to have "small silvery spots", "marks of running fluid" now dried, and an attempt to wipe of the dew with "something"... I'm mostly concerned about the silvery spots which seem to be both in/outside of the OTA! Is this a lost case OR can it be restored??? Many thanks in advance!!! Peter
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