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Posts posted by Happysolderer

  1. This is M81 using the S50. I haven't done anything to it. 

    Previously I had my phone/app Freeze on me and lost about an hours data. This was shortly after an update. 

    I picked a target on a less than ideal night (a bit of very high cloud) and just left it. 20 second exposures

    No filter

    110 mins of data 1705351784795.thumb.jpg.75e77eb654c60284016d6c7ed75b55da.jpg




    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, YogSothoth said:

    I use my Seestar to scratch an itch. 

    I'm sure I could do a lot better with one of my proper scopes, but the thought of spending hours stacking and playing just turns me cold. I have fitted it to my pier so it's completely stable and level.



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  3. On 31/12/2023 at 11:08, Soupir94 said:

    Expecting delivery of S50 from FLO on Tuesday. I use an iPad too and going by the specs on FLO website I am expecting to be able to use the iPad - 

    'iOs/iPadOs: OS 12 and up, iPhone 6s and later, iPad/iPad mini, iPad A/R, iPad Pro'

    Fingers crossed.

    I hope you can. Like I said I emailed the developer about using a Chromebook, they said possible but not recommended as the hoops you have to go through


  4. 7 hours ago, mcrowle said:

    This unit looks really interesting, with impressive results in this thread! I can see one of these in my future, for use at least when I don’t want to set up a full sized rig. I don’t yet have a smartphone, but presume it can be controlled by a Wi-Fi iPad.

    Regards, Mike.

    At the moment I don't think it does, maybe in the future perhaps. I asked the support team from Seestar about using a Chromebook, as its an android device, They said its possible but you have to jump through a lot of hoops and turn on developer stuff to get it to work. I expect it would be a similar thing with an Iphone to Ipad

    • Thanks 1
  5. Ok I have an EQ6 Pro mount and I can connect it to my laptop. I can move it around using eqmod. 

    PH2 seems to be able to communicate with it (I've tried the other options for different mounts the one I choose doesn't throw up any errors) 

    My question is

    When it's calibrating, it's really really slow. 

    which in turn causes me other problems later on. 

    I use the ZWO mini and a small 30mm scope.


  6. As far as I can tell the Celestron starsense auto align does not track, there isn't any facility to track. It takes you to where you want to go and then leaves the rest to your mount. 

    I use PHD2. 

    I have no issue with using it but if it can all be done in one simple package it would be better when I'm taking it out on the road. ( at the moment I have a pier in the garden)


  7. I have the starsense auto align on my EQ6 R PRO. It works fine getting you to the target, but it doesn't actually keep the target in view. It turns out that celestron also does a guide scope. 

    Does anyone have any experience with the guider? Is it something that can run alongside the auto align on the EQ6 mount? 

    I already guide using ZWO mini guide scope and the ASI 120MM camera.

  8. Ok, I have bought the ZWO bundle from FLO. 

    It's mounted on my 8" edge. I have PHD2 installed and everything thing it needs to communicate with my mount, which it does. My biggest issue by far is achieving focus. I've got it close, but to get it right eludes me. Is there a decent alternative with focuser? I don't mind paying out some money, but I don't want to just pay out £££££'s for another telescope when a cheap alternative is available. I've had a look at off axis guiding, and although it would be good, I also want to be able to swap the guide camera between my 8" and 12" SCT's with the minimum of fuss.

  9. On 21/05/2023 at 16:40, Shimrod said:

    I am all out of suggestions beyond the usual last resort - try a factory reset on the handset and see if that clears out any odd settings. It may be worth a call with FLO or raising a support ticket with Celestron.

    Turns out it was a faulty module. FLO sent a replacement, works fine.

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