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Everything posted by Stevewats

  1. Hi Ricochet, Unfortunately the 4.7mm ES82 was sold before I could buy it, so after more research I still find myself undecided. I am more than willing to spend a decent amount of money so I am trying to make sure I get the best possible viewing for my money. I have had a look on the Celestron website and they state this regarding my particular telescope: ''For this article, we’ll use the AstroMaster 130EQ as an example. This telescope’s focal length is 650mm. (To find the focal length of your telescope, look at the telescope’s nameplate or retaining ring.) The aperture is 130mm. The scope’s highest useful magnification is 307x and the lowest is roughly 19x. For the AstroMaster 130EQ, the highest useful magnification is achieved with a 2.1mm focal length eyepiece. The lowest useful magnification is achieved with a 34mm focal length eyepiece. Celestron offers several options for eyepieces that fall within these limits. A 2.3mm X-Cel LX eyepiece will give you 282x, which is close to the highest useful magnification of the optics. An Omni 4mm eyepiece with a 2x Barlow lens will exceed your highest useful magnification at 325x. It’s unlikely that any eyepiece will be a perfect match, but with the right combinations of eyepieces and Barlows, you can achieve numbers that are very close.'' So, should I be considering a smaller eyepiece size such as a 2-3mm? Instead of a 4-5mm? Any advice appreciated. Many thanks. Steve
  2. Hi, Would you say a BAADER MORPHEUS 4.5MM EYEPIECE would be a good buy for me? I know it's expensive but they seem like very good quality eyepieces? Any advice on these?
  3. Great, thank you for all of the information. I have tried to find the classified ad for the 4.7mm ES82 bit cannot seem to find it. Do you have a link for this please? Many thanks, Steve
  4. So in essence for me to view the planets with my telescope it might be worth me buying a good quality 4mm eyepiece and leave the barlow for now. Could you recommend a good 4mm eyepiece?
  5. Thank you for your reply Ricochet. As I am very new to all this, just to clarify, the smaller the eyepiece the better the clarity or the more than magnification it gives? I was to go down to a 5mm eyepiece i wouldn't need a barlow or could I still use a barlow to gain even more magnification? Many thanks Steve
  6. Hi all, Seasons greetings to all. I have been gifted a Celestron astromaster 130eq md for Christmas and I am very happy with it as I've always been fascinated with the cosmos and I look forward to using it. I am comllete newbie though. The question I have is regarding additional equipment I can purchase for it. The telescope came with a 20mm and 10mm eyepiece, which believe is standard? I have had a look online and watched YouTube videos and there is lots of information which I am finding quite confusing to be honest. If I wanted to get the best possible viewing of the moon and the planets what eyepiece should I purchase? I have seen a lot of talk about barlows, I believe there are many different versions? Is a barlow a brand? Which would be the best for me? How are lenses and barlows used together? How does this work? I've seen some videos on fake equipment and to be carful? I'd rather spend more money and buy from a reputable company. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Steve
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