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Posts posted by crama_drime

  1. 8 hours ago, callump said:

    Hi, sorry I'm probably not going to be able to help much...

    I've not used either of these cameras, but looking at the specs they do seem to be very similar, so I don't think there is much to choose between them. Maybe the newer model will have slightly better electronics, but that is not really a given. Maybe it will just come down to price and availability.

    Look forward to seeing your results when you get them.


    7 hours ago, rrb24 said:

    I have the 462MC now after having had the 224MC for a number of years.  I use them for planetary work, high frame rate videos rather than DSO imaging.  I have other cameras dedicated to that.

    The 462MC's advantage over the 224MC is its sensitivity in the IR.  This helps enormously for planetary imaging, including lunar.  The 224MC is no slouch but the 462MC is the best in class at the moment for this.

    Besides that, in my opinion, the 224MC holds its ground really well despite being a much older design.  The other difference you may consider is the pixel size (smaller in the 462MC) in case you are matching it to a specific optical set up.

    Noise overall is very low for these cameras (compared to CCDs) and should almost not be a consideration for DSO imaging and longer exposures.   

    Good luck


    I think i'll go for the ASI385MC instead. Better resolution than the 224, and still equally sensitive. It also has a bigger sensor. Do you guys think it'll work well with my evostar 72ED, 130mm reflector with 650mm FL or 90mm achro with 910 FL? 

  2. Hello, I want to begin with EEVA and need some help choosing a camera.

    I have a Skywatcher Evostar 72ED scope and i'm in between choosing the ASI224 or the new (2020) ASI462.

    I want to do some DSO and planetary EEVA from a light polluted city (red zone) with a budget, but i'm a bit lost.

    Can someone help me out with choosing which one of these two I should buy? The 224 is cheaper, but I can get the 462 for almost the same price so that's also making this difficult...

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