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Posts posted by Walk69

  1. Evening all

    As a beginner i have been using my Canon EOS 650D Camera with a 250mm Telephoto lens to image the moon. My question is , I have a chance of getting a Celestron Skyris 132C camera (New) at a very reasonable price. Will this be a good buy or am i better off sticking to the DSLR for planets. My scope is a Nexstar 127 SLT, I have the attachments for the Canon but not started using it yet.

    Any advice would be gratefully received



    Nexstar 127SLT, Canon EOS650D, Backyard EOS


  2. Evening all

    I have a Nexstar 127SLT which i am trying to connect to CPWI, I have the Ascom 6 platform installed and am able to connect to the mount via this, but for some reason when i try to connect to the handset in CPWI, it doesnt find it.

    My main question is, Does CPWI require a Nexstar+ handset to work as mine isnt, i have fully upraded the handse and the motor controllers, the handset is ver 4.xx

    Any advice is gratefully received



  3. Morning folks

    I thought i would have a go at setting up a raspberry pi camera system for my Nextsar 127 SLT, This is a first never had anything to do with Raspian before so on a rather slow learning curve. I have managed to install the operating system and enter a basic python script to control the camera. My issue now is I have 2 cameras which can be used, the original small unit (picam1.jpg), and a larger unit with infrared (picam2.jpg), the infrared units do come off easily. Any advice please on which would the better one to use, i am an extreme noob with the telescope and mainly looking at getting some shots of the moon or any planets within view. Any help would be greatly appreciated.








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  4. 1 hour ago, Rich1980 said:

    Welcome Gary, always surprises me when someone so local pops up on here. I'm in Ferrybridge but believe there's a good few other members in and around Pontefract. 

    Bad news for you is you'll get the same rubbish weather I seem to attract haha 

    Yea totally agree, i do get one advantage though, I live up on Baghill, so high up above the city, my back garden is quite long and i have large conifers at the end, a lot of the light pollution is not there, so when the good weather comes it really is clear skies.

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  5. 2 hours ago, paulastro said:

    A very warm welcome to you Gary. Its always good to welcome other members from the frozen north. I just wished you lived a bit closer, I could become your closest friend- and this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact you own a 3D printer 🤣.


    🤪 I have 5 actually  🤣🤣

  6. Hi all

    My name is Gary, I live in Pontefract, West Yorkshire. By trade i am a Biomedical Support Engineer. Hobbies include Metal detecting, flying model RC helicopters and quads, 3D Printing and very very new to it, looking at the skies.
    I was registered on the forum a few years ago, but got trolled for being a newbie on other forums (not this one i may say) and basically gave up. I have a Celestron Nexstar 127 LST and still need to do a lot of book bashing. Well with the pandemic lockdown I have decided to dig the scope out again. I also am looking into the basis of a few projects i.e electronic autofocus, and at the moment i am 3d printing the parts to make a Raspberry Pi Camera. I am pretty sure that i will be made welcome.. again, i cannot remember what my old login was or even if my regsitered email is still valid, so created this new one.


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