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Everything posted by ramxis

  1. Hi Stephan, I went to Neutscher Höhe the spot between the two windmills, unfortunately we didnt get to observe any other deep sky objects, It was too cold and we were a little underprepared for that, I will try again from my backyard now that I know approximately where it is. About your comments about checking out the dob for myself I do plan to do that first, I actually have had the current teleskop for almost 3 years now, but since i was a student before and lived in a studentenwohnheim, I didnt have access to a car or a backyard to really take advantage of it, for the last 1 year I have gotten into this hobby more and more, Rameez
  2. Hey stephan Thanks for the recommendation, the site worked out great, was finally able to find Andromeda :), Rameez
  3. Hallo Stephan, Vielen Dank for the recommendations, I will surely be out tonight . I have a Newtonian reflector 130 / 650 on an EQ-3 manual mount. Its my first scope, I am planning to get a 10inch goto Dobsonian next around Christmas time. VG Rameez
  4. Danke, no hurry, I plan my reisen fur Friday oder samstag 😛
  5. Thank you, I will give them a try this weekend
  6. Hi Stephan danke, I actually live in Darmstadt and have been to VSDA a few months back, they told me about Odenwald, I believe the exact quote was "just go south towards odenwald" 😛, but unfortunately due to corona they are closed for in person visits now, I have a car and plan to bring my telescope to odenwald, Unfortunately I don't knw the region and have never been to odenwald region before, would be nice if you had some GPS coordinates for some good stargazing sites around odenwald ? LG Rameez
  7. Hi I am new to this, I live near frankfurt germany and have been trying to find Andromeda galaxy from my backyard and havent had any luck. I was wondering if someone knows any darksky sites near frankfurt / darmstadt that i can goto to observe andromeda and other deepsky objects. If any one have any software recommendations that will let me find such sites that would also be very helpful.
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