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Everything posted by amkat34

  1. Seems to be fine the fans are all super smooth and very quiet
  2. I also upgraded the fan unit to achieve the test shots
  3. Testing update Iso 1600 10 min un cooled and cooled
  4. Hi all The intention is to cool the air in the box Which seems to work well first test 40 mins from 22 degrees down to 1 At the weekend I will have more time To test with the camera running
  5. I have Been thinking about doing this for some time And iam almost finished just the internal wiring to do
  6. Had a spare skywatcher focus motor so I had an idea to use it for my guide scope Seems to work OK 🙂🙂
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  7. Inside my little warm room
  8. Hi thanks it only 6x4 shed but its enough for my gear a desk and chair all my cables run out through the weather proof box . I just carry out my mount plug in 10 minutes and iam up and running Make it so easy
  9. My little but cosy controll room
  10. Hi all after a long break due to building work iam almost back up and running 😀😀
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