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Everything posted by LoveFromGallifrey

  1. If I *could* have a dob, I would - don't get me wrong. But I can't at the moment. At least, nothing more than a small tabletop, and while I could get one of those my ultimate goal is to venture into imaging, for which the refractor is better to start with. But anything bigger than a tabletop is pretty much impossible right now unfortunately. Certainly the 150s, 200s etc that I have used with friends in the past. I have neither the storage space in my shoebox bedroom, nor the ability to just drag it to an easy viewing space, and the sheer thought of having to lug it around fills me with dread. I know that with a mount and a tripod etc a 102 refractor isn't exactly lightweight, but its more manageable for me because I can break the equipment down for both storage and travelling. One day, all being well, I will wind up with a better living arrangement and a good dob would definitely be on the "to buy" list. I would love to be able to access these cracking views everyone keeps taking about with dobs! But now is not the time, unfortunately.
  2. Och, now that is what I want to hear. I'm so glad you view it so highly; I've heard plenty about Altair, and the vast majority of it is good. But the opinions on the refractors tended to be geared towards imaging and when I was initially on Facebook etc asking for advice, the answer was almost always to ditch the idea of a "small" refractor because "you'll be disappointed" and to get a dob instead. But having been around dobs, I know for sure I don't want to be lugging one of those suckers around in my tiny little car, whereas a refractor like this on a decent tripod is very ideal. So I spoke to the Altair team themselves about my goals and they recommended this scope for me. Ofc, they know their stuff! But its always nice to hear someone else's positive opinions too. So yeah, I'm really glad you took the time to speak to me 😄
  3. Wheee! Mine will actually be the ED-R version as well, with the fpl53. I'm getting it mostly for visual myself, I prefer a portable setup and for me, a dob type scope ain't that. And the refractor is a better option for venturing into imaging as well. If I get a bigger place, I may venture into getting a dob myself; but I have dabbled with one before and it was a big [removed word] for little me (bigger than a standard 200p, can't remember exactly what) and it was a bit of a pain to use. A smaller one may be better though! And don't - I came into this not wanting to spend too much, and wound up deciding on this scope, and a HEQ5 - and then I've found accessories etc....I'm already lost I think 🤣
  4. Thank you! I always forget the budget, dang - around £150 to get me started, although obviously if I can get decent quality for cheaper then all the better. I've seen the OVL recommended a couple of times now, which definitely has me interested. So thank you for bringing it up! Its nice to hear a specific recommendation from someone who has used it themselves. And thank you for the Barlow recommendation too, that's another thing I was kind of stuck on (I'm a useless newbie haha).
  5. Great! How do you find it? It'll be my first scope, so I'm really looking forward to getting it (once the ensuing clouds part for long enough, ofc). Thank you for the recommendation! I did find when I was checking out my friend's dob that I didn't need my glasses to see things; hopefully its the same with the any eyepiece, but especially the smaller eyepieces here, as they give more magnification which should help my eyes out (I think).
  6. Sorry, I always forget a budget! Anywhere up to £150 to begin with, obviously cheaper is better but more bothered about getting decent views and having equipment that'll last me than I am about getting the cheapest possible stuff.
  7. So, I'm buying an Altair Astro 102ED F7 scope, and I'm a complete newbie so I'm stuck on eyepieces. Got a diagonal lined up which will take 1.25" eyepieces. I'm mildly short-sighted and wear glasses to correct this, and although I have been told that I shouldn't need glasses with the scope - I still want a decent eye relief just in case. Other than that? I really don't know! My goal is to observe both planets and the moon and DSOs, at least as much as I can with a 102 refractor. I'm interested in zoom lenses as well - does anyone have any recommendations?
  8. Thank you! Much appreciated. I'm kind of looking to do both - observing to get the hang of it (I'm almost a complete newbie, having only ever used a mate's 130p dob) then venture into imaging. The NEQ6 is likely to be a bit overkill for me tbh, but I'm gritting my teeth at there being no HEQ5s anywhere - and those being sold second hand usually go before I even see the adverts (either that, or they have some kind of fault). So I was wondering if I could get away with the NEQ6 while I'm waiting, then sell that on when the demand mounts settles down somewhat again. What kind of thing would you recommend looking at before buying? I'll check the bolts etc for rust where I can (with my newbie eyes), and I'll try and do a daytime mockup star alignment. The photos look decent to me, but again I know nothing 😂
  9. Hi, so! I've messaged someone about a second hand mount (NEQ6 to be precise) and, in doing so, have realised that I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. I have never used an EQ mount before, so I have no idea what I'm looking at/for. Is there anyone who could possibly help me figure out if the mount I am looking at is a decent option? Won't share the ad here for the privacy of the person who posted (its not on here, and its not anonymous).
  10. Hey all! So, I'm currently waiting on a decent GoTo mount to complete my setup (looking for a Skywatcher HEQ5 or AZ-EQ5) - but, I'm also looking for something slightly more portable and "get up and go" to travel with. I've been told by some people that the EQM-35 is decent travel option, but Idk. I've also heard decent things about iOptron mounts, but cheaper versions are so hard to find. It doesn't have to be motorised, in fact I can see advantages in not needing a power supply when travelling. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm planning to stick an Altair Astro 102ED on it, +/- 60mm guide scope. For visual only.
  11. Thank you to all for the warm welcome, very kind 😁
  12. Hi! I have indeed, there are actually a few close to me! Covid has made things incredibly difficult, but hopefully I'll be able to join one properly and get out and about soon 😀
  13. Title says it all! I've already posted a couple of times so I'm coming to this late, but I did just want to say a general hello to everyone from Birmingham, UK. I'm a complete newbie to anything other than simply watching the sky with my own two eyes and stellarium for confirming what I'm seeing. But, I'm so eager to learn and do more, and I'm grateful to find a forum like this with so many helpful people (and second hand sales posts, yay). I'm sure I'll be spending a fair whack of time on here as I try and learn and build my first setup (and the next...I have been warned about how addictive this hobby can be hehe). Clear skies all!
  14. That's a good idea, thanks! Yeah, after a further lot of thinking I've decided to go with an Az-EQ5 - because its both an alt az for causal viewing and an equatorial mount with all the trimmings like synscan etc for imaging. Its also a weight carrier like the HEQ5 pro. From what I gather, you can't use the HEQ5 like a basic alt az, which may be troublesome if I just want to crack the scope out quicklg on holiday without any faffing around. Thanks again for the help!
  15. Hi, thank you for responding! Ah, you can tell I'm so new to all this - it's so hard to decide on a setup, I thought deciding on a telescope was hard but the mounts? I keep hearing so many conflicting things haha! I'm so glad to hear you are finding a mount similar to the EQ3-2 fine for your 102 - that definitely reassures me that I should be able to get away with something less meaty than the HEQ5. And the power pack thing helps a great deal too - should be able to find something that works for me for sure. Its pretty annoying at the moment because I have no idea what I am doing, but I can't even go out and see anything in action with my local astronomy club and most every version of the EQ5 is sold out across the board anyways so I can't just have a crack at it and return if necessary. I'd definitely be looking at hard travel cases for everything. If I cannot buy them/if my 102 happens to come without that hard case - well, I'm rubbish at DIY but I do have a very handy granddad who would relish the challenge 😂 I was wondering about using a mount like an EQ3 with a lighter tripod but weighing it down. I have been known to use a sandbag tied taught around the mount and just about resting on the floor to keep my camera tripod in place in strong winds, so that's definitely something to thing about.
  16. Oh yeah, I can definitely understand that now - I'm used to lugging around a solid camera tripod, both in my car and on a plane. Its the weight of everything togetherbthat is a little scary to me, although I know any set up is going to have to have some weight behind to be worth using. You have mad packing skills! I have a teeny 4 door Aygo, but I am definitely a creative packer - no space goes unfilled sometimes! But dang, I only have to pack for myself haha - so you've definitely outdone me. I think I am worrying about this too much, but its so hard to judge as I've never had a telescope before so I only have my plain bog standard camera gear as a guide 😅
  17. Hi! Thanks for the welcome, and thank you again for sharing your experiences. I'm tempted to get the EQ5 pro SynScan, as I think it'll be fine for visual especially - and even for imaging I doubt that my intended setup would weigh too much. Its so hard, because as a newbie the people I have spoken to previously are either "get a dob and nothing else" or they go straight to the HEQ5 pro and tend to put the EQ5 pro down - even though it clearly has its uses. Ofc, availability shouldn't come into it when factoring in what would be the best setup, but it has to come in somewhere - HEQ5 pros are ridiculously hard to find, and the couple I have found have been at least 4+ hours away from me to collect with no delivery options. Its simply easier to find an EQ5 pro right now. I'm rambling, I'll shut up now haha. Thanks again for the input.
  18. Hi all! So, I'm just starting out in observing, mostly visual but with the aim of progressing to imaging. I have decided on an Altair Astro 102ed f7 scope, with an Altair Astro 60mm guide scope. Mainly looking at this for storage and travelling reasons. Thing is, because I want to be able to take the thing away camping etc, I'm struggling to find a mount. I've been told time and time again to get the HEQ5 pro SynScan, especially if the future goal is imaging, which sounds great - but big and heavy, and it needs power packs etc for travel. I'm not sure the EQ5 would be a suitable alternative though, mainly because people never stop talking about how much better the HEQ5 is. I'm looking for something mainly for visual work, now, something easier to transport but still reliable to use (i.e. not gonna blow over like a twig in the wind). Imaging can come later- the ability to lug the [removed word] around comes first and foremost. I want to be able to sling this thing in my tiny car. Are there any alternatives out there to the HEQ5? Or, would anyone be able to tell me their experiences with an EQ5?
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