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Everything posted by Celerondon

  1. You should receive that kit soon if you don’t already have it. Please let us know your impression of the sounds that the stepper motors make when idling and slewing. Because users report different levels of irritation with these tones, I suspect that there is a strong subjective aspect to this “noise” issue. To me the sounds are noticeable but not annoying. If I even suspect that my neighbors can hear these steppers running then I will stock up on mercury and silver bullets and further limit my observations around the full moon! 🌔 🐺. 😉 Here is a software tip that may help you if you plan to control your mount with SkySafari. This EQStarPro controller works fine with a smartphone or tablet but I suggest that you should use an Android tablet. The reason why I am warning you away from iPhones, iPads, and Android smartphones did not exist a few months ago. I make this suggestion despite the fact that, until recently, I lived in a pure Apple bubble of iOS and OSX bliss that barely tolerated Windows hardware and refused any contact with Android devices. Because a recent software update for the SynScan and SynScan Pro apps broke their ability to connect with some non-Sky Watcher hardware, it became necessary to use an older version of the apps. Using old versions of apps has become challenging because of intertwined mandatory updates for apps and operating system software. On networked devices like cell phones and Internet ready tablets, avoiding mandatory updates is essentially impossible. (Believe me, I have tried!) My refurbished Samsung A7 Lite tablet arrived the other day and it works like a champ. It only connects to my home WiFi when I allow it to and has very few apps installed. The tablet is stuck on version 11 of the Android OS and I will probably leave it there. I hope that this advice smooths your installation routine. For power, I use a TalentCell battery pack that I purchased on Amazon. This compact LiFePO4 unit has three power outputs and an impressive capacity.
  2. Sorry, I never saw your response but my answer is, yes! The kits are great and Astro-Gadget is a class operation. I just came in from using my EQStarPro equipped Vixen GP. I control my mount with an iPad running SkySafari but I have used an iPhone and a PC running Stellarium as well.
  3. Here is a tip regarding the slewing speed of the Asto-Gadget GoTo kits. They all work well but the Pro versions have the high speed slewing capability. So a mount fitted with the EQStarProEQ5 kit will slew much faster than one with the regular EQStarEQ5. I ordered mine online directly from the Astro-Gadget and Alexander was fantastic from ordering through technical support.
  4. Say Vin, Did you ever get that board replacement installed? I just ordered the EQStarProEQ5 kit from Astro-Gadget. I am curious to hear about your continuing experience with your similar GEM goto kit. Thanks, Don
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