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Posts posted by Kon

  1. Despite the bright moon, I though I would give it another go imaging M42 with my 200P DOB for fun. Prime focus using Nikon D3200, 180 frames at 0.5s, iso 800. Stacked in Siril and some stretching in Gimp. No tracking or guiding. A tiny bit of star trailing but quite pleased with the result. I would love if you girls and boys would have a play with my data and see if you can pull out some more data (in my eyes I can see there's more data but I seem to make a mess of them when I change things; sorry I am not an AP but having a bit of fun). I have attached the stacked tiff file. Thanks!



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  2. Nice purchase! I have its 8" brother/sister and it is an excellent piece of kit! I have bought the 8mm and 15 mm BST EPs. I have found the supplied 10mm a bit rubbish but the 25mm one is not bad at all. I personally use the 15mm more often for DSOs (galaxies and nebulas) due to the seeing conditions. You may want to invest on a RACI and a rigel/telrad. I would wait for filters until you decide what you want to see at night, it also depends in your light pollution. Some phone apps such as Setllarium or Skysafari are worth installing. Enjoy! SGL is a great place to ask questions, advise and recommendations on pieces of kit without breaking the bank.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Pixies said:

    I think it should be around 10 o'clock in real-world view. So 4 o'clock in eyepiece. Does that make sense?

    Yes it makes sense. So the flickering could have been just some atmospheric disturbance more likely? I had a similar problem the other night. So back to trying again. Thanks.

  4. Following the discussion in this thread , I thought to give a try to see the Pup tonight (I tried the other night but it was apparent I did not). I used by 8" Dob with an 8mm BST with and without a 2x Barlow. Sirius was flickering with some colour but it seemed better than the other night, more stable. Every so often I could see a flickering of light coming through around 11 o'clock relative to Sirius in my EP. I could see that better without the barlow.  Is that the Pup? Can I tick it as seen?

  5. 9 hours ago, John said:

    If you got Sirius split - that's a really great result, especially with the seeing tonight !


    7 minutes ago, John said:

    Actually, that does not sound like Sirius A & B to be honest with you

    Unless as you said earlier, the viewing was not great, and I got confused with what i saw? So maybe it was some atmospheric disturbance and to my untrained eye I confused it as two stars? I will need to revisit once the skies clear again

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  6. 6 hours ago, John said:

    If you got Sirius split - that's a really great result, especially with the seeing tonight !

    I should have described it a bit better....I managed to see two stars side by side with a bit of overlap between them so not sure if by definition this splitting (as i said i may have used the wrong term); Mizar and Alcor, I usually see two stars well separated, even last night.

  7. It has been a while since we had a break from this weather. After I finished some late evening online meetings, I cooled down my 8" Dob for a bit of observing. Having the moon out I knew that nothing DSO would be really visible. I had a quick 1 hr out. I started wit the Beehive cluster (M44); a lovely cluster with spread out stars. It fitted nicely in my 25mm EP. I then moved to Sirius, and I think I managed to split it with my 8mm; I could see two stars next to each other blinking (sorry if i used the wrong terminology). I then moved to Mars to see what Perseverance was up to...not much really just sitting there 😂...jocking apart it is amazing to know that something is up there starting to explore soon. It was a nice orange disc with not much features in my 15mm EP; it did not take the 8mm EP magnification. M35 look sparkly with all the stars in whites and yellows. Finally, I had a look at the moon and it looked great at my 15 and 8mm EPs.  I am familiar with some of the craters, Copernicus, Clavius, Atlas and Hercules, and I will probably need to have a read about the rest of them in my 'Turn Left at Orion' to learn the others. I also managed to get some prime focus shots using my DSLR (posted it in the Lunar imaging). 

    Overall a very good night to be out to get my head cleared and get observing after a long time due to the weather, but it lacked the excitement of hunting DSOs. I hope by the time we have the new moon the weather will be more upbeat!

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