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Everything posted by SWalters

  1. I emailed AG yesterday asking about the slew rate on the EQStarPro EQ3 for my CG-4, which admittedly is twice the cost of the Simple Dream, but it works with Stellarium and several other PC-based software packages. I was unsure if the go-to speed was reasonably fast or not. The product info does not list that info, whereas the simple dream does (60x). If I'm correct in my figures, even at 60x you're only covering .4 degrees / sec. Well...last night he emailed me back: -------------------------------------------- Hello, GoTo speed (rotation speed of the mount when searching for objects) for the EQStarEQ3 is 600x. GoTo speed for SimpleDreamEQ3 is 60x. Therefore EQStarEQ3 is better than SimpleDreamEQ3. Best Regards, Alexander. www.astro-gadget.com --------------------------------------------- $279 seems pretty reasonable, doesn't it? For smartphone or PC control...guiding compatibility...? Erks me too...because I just bought the Celestron motors a month ago.
  2. Hiya folks. First post, just joined. Been an astronomy buff since childhood, but only recently slowed down enough to pick up a decent scope. Hard to find right now, geez! Besides a Telrad, any suggestions for a Celestron Omni 150 newt? Kind of interested in a good solar filter, polar align scope, an image rectifier/erecting prism, and perhaps a 24mm-8mm zoom. At any rate, looking forward to hanging out.
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