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Posts posted by kotitonttu

  1. 16 hours ago, SupernovaF1 said:

    It did work in terms of getting rid of the play but i didn't think it was acceptable for a brand new mount so I returned it.
    Couldn't get a replacement  as it was in the middle of the first lockdown and there wasn't stock, so got a second one from RVO for less that didnt show the problem and works fantastic (<0.5" RMS @1200mm FL). 

    If you cant return it, try the tape. You could start with PTFE or some thin packaging plastic (~0.5mm).

    Can toi clarify what IS RVO

  2. 6 hours ago, The Lazy Astronomer said:

    I've just checked mine after having read through this thread, and there is a small amount of lateral play, however it really doesn't seem to cause any issue during use. Phd2 reports typical RMS of 0.6 - 0.8", which I probably could improve if I spent some time tweaking settings, but don't really have a need to presently (stars look nice and round, plus my image scale is 1.74"/px).

    I would advise trying it out and seeing what results you get before worrying about it. 

    Thanks for checking. I thought that it would Be normal. Just had to Be sure (Im kind of too OCD with this kind of things 😅) i made plastic spacer so there is no play. I bought this More than month ago so there is this 2 year warranty If its defect. I can check guiding results at August since sun does not set here at summer. Hope The Best. Thanks again.





  3. So was IT better? Im facing same issue now

    On 16/07/2020 at 12:33, SupernovaF1 said:

    Glad it worked. Increasing friction should indeed help.

    What worked best for me and another person who contacted me was using thin tape on the walls to remove the clearance. As in this video suggested by @MarkAR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKnZLn-xz1k
    I ended up returning it as it was brand new though and hopefully the next one doesnt show the same issue. 


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