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Everything posted by Spacegun

  1. Hi all, I purchased a Sky Watcher EQ3 Pro from FLO back in February. The mount had worked seamlessly when I first purchased it, but after a few months, I noticed the RA access was starting to tighten up and this showed in the subs I was taking. Recently, I decided to investigate and removed the setting circle, screw and polarscope to reveal the locking screw for RA. To my surprise, I noticed that there were scratches around the two holes where you would loosen and tighten the locking screw. But, what was more surprising was there aren't any grub screws on the outside of the locking screw holding it to the RA gear. Does this sound like i've been given a return? Does anyone know what my rights are? Can I ask for a replacement? I have a feeling that the lock screw has been tightened too far because of the lack of the grub screws. Any advise would be a real help. Regards Andrew
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