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Everything posted by Alekos

  1. I live in Europe ,Greece but usually use $ because it's the first symbol I find on my keyboard
  2. Very good images! I have heard about the 500 rule and the 300 one but I don't know if you are talking about doing this with a modified camera or not.
  3. If I modify it will I be able to take normal photos or will they look different?
  4. I don't think I'm going to buy a tracking mount since they are pretty expensive and I don't need it yet. However am am looking at different telephoto lenses. Alex
  5. No need to worry about sky pollution I live in a very good area where there's almost no one within a couple kilometers.
  6. This look awesome! These kinds of photos I am looking at shooting. However I don't have a clue about software, editing, stacking or whatever else the images need after.
  7. I'm not thinking of taking any top of the line amazing photos, just some simple ones. For simple photos wouldn't a unmodified camera be just fine? Alex
  8. I have seen some deals on mostly dslr cameras and probably going to buy one of those. I can probably find a pretty good camera at around 200 max but then I don't know about the lens. A lot of them come with the regular 18-55 kit lens but I have heard that that isn't good enough. Alex
  9. I'm not thinking of buying a modified camera yet. However I have found a 1300D for around 180$ with a regular kit lens or 140$ with just the body. Alex
  10. Thanks for the suggestion, However, as I mentioned I would like to do regular photography aswell so wouldn't a modified camera change the outcome of regular photos? As for the star tracker/mount I think it's too early for that and I'm not thinking of taking any amazing photos that need to be focused somewhere specific and it cost quite a lot of money for my current budget. Thanks for everything again I'm just not thinking of going the modded camera rout yet, Alex
  11. Hello to everyone reading this, I am very new to photography and I could use some suggestions on buying a camera, a lens and anything else I need. I have never owned a camera but have used some over the past couple of years. My budget is around 300$ for everything. I really like taking landscape photos and would love to try astrophotography but currently can't until I buy a camera. Thanks in advance.
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