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Posts posted by Clarkey

  1. 11 minutes ago, Bukko said:

    am interested in where the forum is with regards proposing the use of a remote imaging site instead of purchasing hardware?

    It's a fair point. For the amount I have spent on imaging kit I could have spent many hours photon collecting at a remote site. However, a large part of the enjoyment for me is the challenge. There is probably enough publicly available data without even the cost of imaging. But to me that's like watching sport. I could just watch, but I enjoy the challenge even if my personal results are of a dubious standard.

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  2. 6 hours ago, smr said:

    wrt darks, how often do they need renewing?

    Mine are at least 18 months old and still seem to calibrate pretty well. Probably should renew them though.

    To be honest I have never seen much difference between long and dark flats on my ASI1600.


    6 hours ago, vlaiv said:

    I usually do it twice a year, there is summer and winter set of darks that I do at different temperature (I often can't cool camera down to -20°C in summer).

    Summer, winter - same temperature here. Just more rain in the summer😁

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  3. I don't really think there are any arguments here. At the end of the day the equipment required depends on what you want to image and how easily you want to do it. There are always grey areas and you can always push the boundaries with any kit, but you might put a lot of effort in for poor results.

    I am in the category of starting with an HEQ5 - not because I was told to, but I did my own research and decided not to limit my options too early. The main reason I would say to go down this route (if finances allow) is for exactly that reason. You can put a camera and lens on an HEQ5 or you can use scope capable of galaxy imaging. You can't do both with a tracker.

    Having said all this, I have an HEQ6, AZ-EQ6 and I would still like to get a lightweight mobile set-up at some point. However, I will be fully aware of it's limitations.

  4. Looking at the positions of the halos relative to the stars, the stars do not even appear to be centred. This suggests something other than standard internal reflections. Do they appear on all the subs?

    Another thing to try is to rotate the filter (or camera) to see if they move. If they do, it suggests a filter issue.

    Definitely an odd one though.🤔

  5. Obviously at this time of year Orion is close to the full moon. I would try to target nearer the circumpolar regions as this is further away and will give a better image due to less atmosphere. This was taken around a full moon in rgb so it can be done.

    Whirlpool ST AP 2.jpg

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  6. Get a bucket and write "Astrophotography" on it. Then open your wallet and start tipping money in! Welcome to the world of AP.

    FWIW I live in bottle 6 and I have never used lift pollution filters. Personally I do not like the colouring they give -although it can be processed out. If it was me, I would get the small scope and at a later date consider something like an L-extreme to give narrowband options.

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