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Everything posted by HydrogenBadger

  1. I haven’t got a copy of the error message unfortunately, and the weather has not allowed me to go out again and test since I started this thread. I will take your advice on board when the sky finally clears.
  2. It tried to validate and centre 5 times before giving an error message. I then selected Polaris as a target to check polar alignment and the scope shot off and was out by about 45 deg to the west. Went to try the polar alignment again but was thwarted by clouds!
  3. Thanks Danny, my understanding is the ASI air pro uses platesolving as part of the goto routine. However, mine failed after slewing to the target - please see screen shot of the error. I will have a look to see how to set the home position.
  4. Finally managed to get it focussed after around 2 hours of back and forth with the auto focusser. Then tried a polar alignment using he the asi air pro which initially appeared to have worked but then after trying to “goto” an object clearly hadn’t. I then tried to use the “goto home command” which strangely put the scope out by around 45 degrees in declination which I don’t understand.
  5. Thanks Steve, unfortunately that is not my flattener. This is the one I have. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/reducersflatteners/william-optics-adjustable-flat6a-iii-08x-reducer-flattener.html Managed it put it on, but have removed it again as I am finding it impossible to focus the camera. Just about ready to put the damn scope in the bin.
  6. Yes it does - thank you! I thought that the yellow locking ring was supposed to clamp against the adjustable end to keep it in position and prevent the distance changing?
  7. All, I have a 2” iptolong l_enhance filter which I am trying to fit to my Williams Optics adjustable field flattener and ZWO ASI 533 pro cam. I cannot see where it fits as the field flattener has a threaded connection and the filter only has threads on one side. many thanks in advance.
  8. Steve, thank you so much for this. Extremely helpful. I really appreciate the time and effort you have put into this response. Just need to get the hex screw driver to fit the flattener. Thanks again.
  9. If it isn’t enough are there generic spacers I can buy? I guess it is worth getting a few spare to deal with when I try to fit the flattener.
  10. “When it comes to fitting the flattener then it gets a bit more complicated”. More complicated! I have 15mm of outwards movement left.
  11. All, just managed my first photo with my new rig. It is of a tree. Most importantly however, it is a nearly focussed tree. I am a happy boy. I need to buy extra spacers (which is annoying). Needed around 70mm from the end of the telescope to the camera body. Will I need to increase that to focus on stars or will 70mm distance decrease slightly?
  12. Looks like 100% cloud cover tonight! I will be happy if I can set up around 7 or 8 pm and see something other than white noise. Fingers crossed!
  13. Thanks all, I will try again this evening. I don’t have any eyepieces with me which is a bit annoying but I am hopeful I can point it at a street lamp.
  14. Unfortunately not on this model, it requires an extremely small hex drive for 3 screws to be removed.
  15. Thanks for all the replies. I have a field flattener - this again arrived without a single instruction. I found some instructions online. As I am on holiday I do not have the tools to fit it. I really hope that I don’t need any additional spacers. I bought the setup as a ‘job-lot’ from a supplier with the specification being I wouldn’t need to go out to buy a single extra component, nut or bolt to get started. I have already had to spend £80 on the correct counter weights. I will be pretty disappointed if I also need more spacers. I think I have around 50-60mm of spacers.
  16. All, I have a brand new rig including my first dedicated camera the ZWO 533 mc pro with a Williams Optics GT71. I am using (or trying to) an ASI Air Pro for control. I have spent a week learning how to balance the damn thing as it was not sold with the correct counter weights and last night was the first clear sky to try and polar align. I cannot get an image of anything vaguely resembling a star - out of focus or otherwise. All I have is noise. I have turned the gain down to the minimum settings, up to maximum and everywhere in between and experiment with spacers and focus. Nothing. Pointing at the same bit of the sky I was able to focus my asi 120 mini guide scope. Really frustrated by the total lack of instruction available for any of the equipment. Help would be very much appreciated. A picture of my rig below.
  17. All, thanks for all your help. I managed to get the scope balanced. I had to buy 2 x 2.5kg counter balance weights As the weight provided was way too heavy. I also installed a 300mm long losmandy plate which has allowed me to install the asi air pro in front of the scope and adjust is location (left to right) to balance in the 3rd axis Trouble is I now can’t see a single star through my camera. I will have to start another thread on that! Thanks again.
  18. This was a schoolboy error on my part. I didn’t realise that the whole focussing unit didn’t just rotate freely by that it was just loosely fastened. I just needed to tighten it up on the threads.
  19. Thanks yes, I have beeen watching all of your videos in the run up to my scope arriving!
  20. Thanks, yes I have just order a losmandy style plate which I am hoping will do the same thing you are suggesting here. Should the focuser unit be fixed in position? Mine is allowed to rotated freely and I can't see how I fix.
  21. The counter balance is a far up as is possible. All of the equipment is now upside as otherwise it fails against the mount i.e. the autofocuser, ASI Air Pro and the fine foucuser. Not sure if this is a problem. If I move it any further forward the scope will only be connected by one clamp in the dovetail which does not seem like a very good idea.
  22. Thanks all, from what I am hearing I am not doing something fundamentally wrong so my options for the RA problem is either buy a lighter counter weighted or buy additional weight to hand scope side. How do I solve the declination balance problem? As you can see from my photos I have pushed the tube as far forward as I can including having to rotate the auto focuser and ASI air pro so theY can pass over the mount - doesn’t feel it is supposed to be done like this.
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