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Everything posted by Sam101

  1. Sam101


    At long bloody last I’ve been out with my scope! It’s been months of light nights or nights were I had to get up early for work etc! And tonight was the night I was coming back from the pub and noticed the bright moon as soon I got in a set the scope up, was brill still don’t really know what I’m doing but managed to get the moon in focus and used the all lenses that came with the scope I don’t think they are the best! But I did get some good detail of the craters, I have a moon filter but still found it quite bright but I’m putting that down the to fact I was in my garden and the bloody secuirty light kept coming on and off my eyes couldn’t adjust! But was a good start now the nights and starting to draw in I’m going to give it another go soon, I live near a river so will take it down there, As it’s not near many houses etc! I took some rubbish picS with my iPhone!! Any tips would be great lol thanks Sam
  2. Looks great! I need the weather to clear up too
  3. Hi guys! I’m new just brought a new telescope and now the bloody weather was just been rubbish all week! Fingers crossed it’s better at weekend, anyone got any tips of easy things I should start to look at?? Thanks sam
  4. Sam101


    After a few YouTube videos I think I’m about there
  5. Sam101


    It’s arrived now just to get it correctly set-up
  6. Sam101


    Just brought my moon filter! 🥳 just the the Telescope now
  7. Sam101


    Thanks for all the tips!! Fingers crossed next weekend I’m out there!
  8. Sam101


    How did the set-up did you find it easy??
  9. Sam101


    Thanks everyone!
  10. Sam101


    Hello All, I’m a complete novice, but always had an interest in the night sky, just brought Sky-Watcher Explorer 130 (EQ-2) can’t wait for it to arrive and I can get started. Been watch YouTube video after YouTube video to get some tip, looking forward to checking out The moon, planets then moving on to stars! Hopefully will come back with some good results, I’m from the Nottingham area so if anyone know of any good places to visit please let me know. Sam
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