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Everything posted by GiggaKubicca

  1. I mean I can't argue, all I'm telling people is what the tracking pad said. It literally told me that I couldn't track the moon because the firmware needed updating. I have an adapter turning up today because who the hell has a 300BC technology port like a Serial on their computer.
  2. I can't give you any more than what I've already said. It said "No Link to Mount Stand Alone.".
  3. Synscan, some really old firmware. I can't remember the numbers. I looked it up two days ago and it was from something like 2016.
  4. Firstly I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way because it's not how I intend it as I do really appreciate peoples time and help. However it's starting to get frustrating for me. I seem to have loads of people conflicting with what others have been telling me. I have tried without a barlow. I have tried with a barlow. I have tried with both a barlow and an eyepiece. The only time I have had focus was with both the barlow on its own and with the barlow and an eyepiece. When I try without a barlow I get zero focus. I can get it all the way till it looks like Jupiter with no detail. One person says elsewhere that my barlow is cheap and that is why my image quality isn't that good. I have someone else say that the barlow is fine and not to listen to snobs. One person says try this setting and then someone else says that I shouldn't be using that and use this, neither of which seem to really accomplish much. I bought the adapter I have now because I was told that it would work with what I am trying to do. However when I tried doing it how I was told I didn't really get anywhere until I used both the barlow and the eyepiece. I bought an adapter before that because the one before that I bought thinking it was the right thing but it wasn't. Then the second adapter that was recommended didn't work even after having extensive help. In the end I contacted a telescope directly and asked them, which is the adapter that I have now. I honestly don't know where to go from here because I feel like I have tried everything and I've progresed nowhere and I get told multiple different things regardless of where I ask. All I want to do is photo the moon and even that seems to be incredibly difficult to achieve, like smashing my head against a damn wall.
  5. Yes it does have one. I removed it because I was trying to unscrew the two sections. I didn't want the screw in it if I could unscrew it and tried using it with my camera.
  6. The first piece? You talking about the first picture? If so "I tried unscrewing it anyway." It's a onepiece part. It looks like it's fused together. I tried with all my might, it's not a two part piece.
  7. The very first picture is the part of the telescope that hold the eyepiece, like you told me. This doesn't have any threads on it to let me screw in my camera like you said "Once you have this (1.25 inch eyepiece adapter) unscrew it's two component parts. The flat part screws directly onto your T-ring on the opposite side to the camera." The other pictures are of the adapter I bought. The first two pictures are of the nosepiece together and then unscrewed.
  8. Well mine looks nothing like that. I tried unscrewing it anyway. This is what mine looks like. Also pictures of my adapter for anyone who wants to see. Adapter
  9. I went to update the control pad yesterday but realised I couldn't without an adapter because it uses a 300BC technology aka the Serial port. I just wanted to confirm that it was working. I plugged the motor into the mains via a extension cable and the first think I saw was "No Link To Mount Stand Alone Mode". I pressed enter and saw version which I knew needed updating and pressed enter and then the next section was Long and Lat. I stopped here because it pointless going further. I knew that I needed to do an alignment and also that you cannot track the plants because of old firmware. With that being said I have tried looking this up and it seems loads of people are saying it could be this and that. I'm creating this post in the hopes that someone can help run me through how I diagnose what could be causing the issue. I've read anything from the mount motor to powersupply, etc. Help as always is greatly appreciated. I didn't know in which sub to ask this question so I picked what I thought was the most relevant. If this isn't the right place could a mod move it for me. Sorry and thank you.
  10. How do I attach a camera body and just the T-ring to the telescope? I can't see how you'd do it without the body just dropping to the floor when you let go.
  11. Well breaking news just in. Local man manages to screw in barlow lens into eyepiece.
  12. Can't answer that. Didn't take note. I'll tell you tomorrow night if the sky allows me. I have taken notice. I learnt about this a couple hours ago. Here's a video of a guy explaining it: No when I had just the barlow on I could get focus. From what I understand from watching several video is that because my telescope is a Newton I will have a harder time using the body without anything to focus. I haven't. I still try. But for the reasons you explained unless it flags something I'm doing wrong I suspect it won't really show me anything, as in I won't actually learn anything because I have a feeling the results will be that I can't focus because of the camera body / Newton combo doesn't allow me to achieve a focus.
  13. I was getting told elsewhere that the barlow I have is a bad one for image quality because it's a cheap single element. I'll admit I haven't actually tried screwing it into an eyepiece. I'll test that in a minute when I go down to make some food. "Food at this time of night?" Haha, yes, probably won't be asleep for at least another five hours.
  14. Yes. I just have a feeling I'm not going to get a focus with just the camera body. Others seem to suggest that I can't others say otherwise. Telescope House were telling me to use a barlow. I saw a video that I can't find now of an American talking about how he had troubles focusing the camera body with just the adapter. He mentioned how only using the nosepiece let him take pictures because of the lack of extra distance. However he also mentioned if I remember correctly how some cameras do better with a little extra distance.
  15. I have no idea if it is standard or not. All I know is I cannot screw it into the bottom of my camera adapters nosepiece. Telescope House said this "Orion may have changed the design of the Barlow. You always used to be able to thread the optical cell into filter threads of eyepieces and nosepieces of camera t-adapters (hence my suggestion). It’s a pity you can’t do this with yours."
  16. See this is the problem. I'll upload a picture but I have conflicting results, so maybe you can help me understand? I took the picture two nights ago at 1/25 ISO 100 and it is by far the best picture I have taken yet. I do believe though that this was with the configuration as seen in the original post. The other original picture were taken at 0'5" ISO 100, because people were trying to help me out with why my screen was just black.
  17. Yes I have a small moon 13% (I believe) filter. Filter will fit an eyepiece or barlow obviously though. So unless I'm wrong I'd still need to use a barlow.
  18. I'll try it but I'm not sure it will work. I didn't go higher than 1/250th but it was still more or less the same. 1/250 ISO 100-6000. The weather doesn't permit me to go test it tonight but I'll still try it. I was talking to a guy who does astrophotography, he was telling me how video should work because he said I'd have a harder time focusing manually than I would having video do it automatically. I'm just saying what others have told me though.
  19. I tried to focus with just the nosepiece. I wasn't getting anything other than a bright ball with no haze. I was also told to try video mode as it should auto focus. Still the same thing.
  20. I have it. It's just my barlow is screwn on the outside so you can't see it in the picture. The barlow is too small to be screwed into the thread of the ring as seen in your picture but to large to slot all the way down the adapter. I'm looking to buy a better barlow. As from what I've been told I'd be better off using a barlow to photo the moon. The barlow I currently have is a single element and sort of "cheap". Supposedly a better quality barlow will offer me better picture quality, which makes sense.
  21. Just putting it out there for everyone, I'm still looking for barlow help.
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