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Posts posted by David_Scotland

  1. 1 minute ago, saac said:

    HI David I'm another subject of the Kingdom (NE) - as Watcher said above there are plenty of dark sites around us. Having said that you don't really need to travel that far our skies here are generally good unless I guess if your in the middle of one of the towns or in line of sight of  Mosmoran.  Have fun buddy and welcome to the forum.


    well i basically have mossmorran to the east, with flaring NE to SE, to the south i have the damn pesky lights from the bridges (and glow from Edinburgh) to the west i have my house plus streetlights, so basically i have a narrow corridor roughly NNW to image, off course there is always UP ☝️


    Thanks for the friendly welcome messages guys and gals, appreciated :D

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Skipper Billy said:

    Ah a Fifer!

    Enjoy yourself and keep well.

    I do have a wee boat parked at the north end of Loch Lomond so once lockdown is over, i'm gonna have to spend many a night up there, should be dark enough.

  3. Fae the east coast in sunny Fife.

    20 minutes ago, Skipper Billy said:

    A warm welcome from the West Coast of the Highlands !!! Whereabouts do you stay - Scotland is a big country! 😉 

    Yours Aye!


    Sunny Fife, too far from any good dark skies, but hopefully once this Covid is done can get out and find a clear sky spot locally.

  4. Hi,

    Okay so heres the story, i currently have a Williams Optics Redcat51 and an Altair Hypercam 183C Protec on a HEQ5 mount, and was capturing some real good images with it but nebulas weren't as bright/clear as i wanted so i went and bought a Optolong L-enhance filter (dual narrowband), the first night using it was a bit cloudy and possibly some high level clouds, stars were dim. I use Sharpcap as my capturing tool, but was unable to perform a live stack, there were enough stars in the captures, also i encountered horizontal banding almost like a noise, my apologies for the poor quality of the image.



    So i went onto Willaims Optics facebook page and was told that my filter was to far from my sensor (from a user, not a WO employee), even though it was in the place WO suggest, and also that my extension is too long, i use the 2" extension supplied with the camera and can achieve focus. Even tried Altair facebook page and from there got multiple different reasons, from field flattener to the price of cheese in India. One member from there (David Murren) advised i come here and get real information ;)

    So after pounding my head against a brick wall (and almost loosing the will to live), trying to get to the bottom of my issues decided to come here and see if anyone can help. Added an image to show what i am getting image wise before adding a filter. *Note* this has only been auto stretched in PixInsight, nothing else.



  5. Hi,

    Relatively new to astrophotography, always had a facination with the night sky and most things spacey :), real Sci-fi geek.

    My purchases in this hobby has i think run amok and my knowledge is currently far behind my current hardware.

    But i'm learning and getting out in the fresh air and capturing some, and in my opinion, great images so far. Had some frustrating nights and nights i just want to burn my scope/mount to the ground, but i have persevered and each time i process a part of the sky that looks blank and come away with a nebula/cluster/galaxy image, i am pleased as punch and straight away start on my next adventure :D

    Going forward would love to get into Mono imaging with RGB filters, but there i go again, rushing to fast. /go slow!!


    Anyways, looking forward to speaking with you all in the forums, clear skies!

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