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Simon Pepper

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Everything posted by Simon Pepper

  1. Now that’s a PA! Also my best guiding ever that I saw anyway was 0.56 so you one up already! Glad your sorted it!
  2. If you have issues again tonight bosh it here I’ll be out trying to figure out my mosaic that fantastically failed last night as well
  3. You need a good PA guiding and PA are separate anything with a smiley face will be good in the AAP but this does depend on focal length. There is another setting something about restoring from last session make sure that’s off as well and make sure when calibrating that the steps count up to at least 12 West and back and 12 north and back.
  4. I think you are right to suspect as I can one day the PA accuracy on AAP is not perfect but it’s good enough. Also AAP runs PHD I thought so there is no additional software here other than ZWOs OS? ST4 is dated now the OP has everything correct with cables I think the issue is RA only is on in AAP. Thanks
  5. Hi Lem i have - similar setup. What guide scope are you using? That focus is fine by the way. I see you have a star tracker too and I can’t see the RA line have you left the guide the RA only box on? Couple other things. Clear calibration every time depending on guide scope you may need to lower the steps let me know Thanks
  6. James If I were Look for a wide lens can’t go wrong with Samyang 14mm for you canon you should get around 15s subs untracked with that take as many shots as you can get and stack them. You will be going after wide field Milky Way shots. Next step up will be a star tracker you can pick up both these items for about 400 quid used I reckon.
  7. I do all my processing in PI I was PS back in the day and still have it but for me PI is incredible. I use the WBPP script for stacking in there. Don’t quote me on this as I use a dedicated camera but pretty sure you want an canon eos clip in filter but do check with others here as I know when modified some clips may not fit others here can hopefully advise on this. Thanks
  8. So I have had a quick go at this, but I agree it was a struggle to pull out the Ha and Oiii. I am not sure how you got on, but here is what I managed in 20 mins. We could spend another few hours sorting out gradients, vignette etc but my kids just woken up again!!! I cant see the Eastern Veil here so I think the light cone at the bottom is probably the back end of it hence the blueish light near the bottom. So a few ideas I have to improve the data is definitely take calibration frames especially flats they are your friend will sort the vignette and any dust moats and will allow better stretching. Also putting in an lenhance or lextreme or any dual NB filter clip in for EOS will be a game changer for you. Your tracking is good and so are your stars (note I killed them here with a bad mask and too much sharpening)! Flats and dual pass filter and you will be loving it!
  9. I will have a look at this later as the kids are driving me insane this will be a nice escape! However can’t guarantee anything as calibration frames are a must especially on an uncooled dslr in this weather 😬
  10. Thanks for this the OAG just turned up so will try this fingers crossed!
  11. The bottom of M51 sorry zoomed in there. Thanks
  12. Hi all Firstly apologies for bringing this up again but I decided to run some tests last night with the clear hour I had. I also stripped down the OTA, replaced extension tubes and changed the compression rings on the flattener closer to the compression ring on the ES to ensure good connection. I am 99% confident there is no sag in the focuser or anywhere along the OTA. Guiding was awful between 1.1-2.2. There is not much change in the way of elongated smaller stars between 20s and 180s (60s vs 180s below). As my guiding was bad I would have expected to see even worse stars at 3 minutes but they are not too bad even at 5 minutes. Yes they do get worse but I expected more. Pretty sure even after 1s/2s they were trailing but hard to see due to lack of exposure. Its like the issue happens as soon as the exposure starts. Correct me if I am wrong but if PA is aced at 950mm should I be able to get 5/10 s before trailing? I turned off guiding and things got worse after 30s (expected really). I tested on M13 and M51 both quite near the zenith. I do have backlash I can wobble both axis so could be this also. I believe this has to be either flexure (which I don't really know what that is) or the fact my guiding scope is only 120mm. Unfortunately I don't have the correct attachments to try the Redcat as the guide scope, however I have an OAG on the way to try that out. This option was a lot cheaper than the EQR6! I will report back my findings once it arrives. Thanks
  13. Well funny you should mention this because I wondered how the bigger stars were unaffected but I heard somewhere that could have something to do with pixel scale... I assume I can test this by pointing up to the Zenith and taking a long sub? Also did you just tighten them up? Mine is tight but it’s the standard hex focuser. I feel this could now be three or four potential issues and no idea how to narrow that down 😭
  14. I feel I am going to have to dig deep into the wallet again then and speak to FLO who have four in stock! Thanks all for your help with this one really appreciated.
  15. I think there weight is wrong there or its the shipping weight I got mine here https://www.bresseruk.com/EXPLORE-SCIENTIFIC-ED-APO-127mm-f-7-5-FCD-100-Alu-HEX.html?mtm_campaign=Doofinder&mtm_kwd=0112134&mtm_source=English&mtm_medium=OnSite&mtm_cid=UK&mtm_group=SiteSearch which states its 7.7kg with accessories. Mine probably a little more with updated dove tail, filter wheel camera etc but pretty sure I am only about 8.5kg so well under the max weight.
  16. I can get slightly better with my wife filed scope as it’s lighter not so demanding I think. Also at 250mm I can expose for longer without any trails.
  17. Ooo another awesome shout here is a pic of the setup. Balance and PA are good at least I thought they were lol.
  18. Thanks this is really helpful I guess it’s time to try the belt and maybe a full strip down and re grease!
  19. I can get 15 minutes subs on my other scope but as soon as a put this scope on it goes toilet on me. I tried 30 seconds and there was. I difference between that and 60s. It’s almost instant…
  20. You could be into something here I wonder if the difference in FL mm could be causing it. Guide scope is 120mm and main scope is 952mm it maybe too much of a gap!
  21. Hi all I need expertise again I am consistently struggling with this scope and I am considering just selling it! Probably had it a year now and not managed one respectable image! Its so annoying as when it comes to widefield I have no issues. I get that this would be harder but really a year.... I assume my elongated stars are a guiding issue they do all appear to be the same was but these are only 60s subs surely that should be obtainable? I see others with similar setups on the same mount not having this issue. I am thinking about getting the rowan upgrade for the HEQ5 and going down the OAG route but before this costs me another £500 I want to be sure this is the issue? Flats as well with this OTA are doing my head in I cant remove the black mark and I also have no idea where this is coming from. Its not the filters as its on more than one, its not the camera sensor as I shoot on my widefield scope and don't see it, so that leaves the scope, but I don't see any issues on the OTA and I cleaned the lens yesterday so its not that! Why wont the calibration remove it ahhhhhhh!!! I have screen shot lower right corner of the image you can see the corresponding dark spot from the master flat. I have attached the masters as well. Also the trailing is more evident on the fainter stars I think my total RMS was 1.2-1.6 I guess this is just not good enough?!?!? masterFlat_BIN-1_FILTER-R_Mono.xisfmasterLight_BIN-1_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-R_Mono.xisf Vlaiv tried to assist here: https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/396743-flats-issue-with-larger-scope/#comment-4260660 but turns out the compression ring was not causing any of these issues. Thanks
  22. Well this could be something to do with it.... I am not sure if this came off as I took off the flattener (I don't think so) or if its been sitting in the OTA like this for months if the latter this is very embarrassing. Its a compression ring off the end of the hotech flattener. I have removed the extension tubes and compression rings and have noted a small metal chip on one of the threads of one of the extension tubes its silver so could be reflecting? Also there are 3 small screw ends entering the tube one from the focuser I think and then two further back not sure what they are or whether could be causing any issues I doubt it though I believe they are normal.
  23. Hi Vlaiv thanks for taking the time here and apologies been a hectic day! I managed to get M13 looking ok colour wise I did the photometric colour calibration in PI and made it a lot bluer, but definitely a lot better just played with curves etc and I think its about right now. So as for the flats my procedure is to use a flat panel with the bigger scope as I don't have a big enough t shirt also I am lazy and take them the next day but I don't move the OTA so pretty sure I can get away with this (no issues with other scope doing this). These particular flats were only 30-60 milliseconds, but the ADU value was around 30,000. I will remove the flattener to see if I can see anything obvious on that that could be causing it. Do you think its a dust moat or something else? Thanks
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