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Everything posted by superuman

  1. Hi, this ma6 sound a silly question but over the last two days I’ve lost 3 of the eyepiece and lens screws that secure the optics. I need to buy some more and cannot work out what size to go for. If I’m not mistaken are they all the same size? thanks
  2. Hi I hope someone can help. I recently purchased as set of Revelation Binoviewers and cannot get them to focus at all. I’ve tried attaching them to my Skywatcher Heritage 114P. I’ve tried maximum and minimum focusing but to no avail. I’m using two 17mm wide angle eyepieces. Thanks.
  3. Hi, Can anyone advise on this scope please? I’m tempted between the WiFi model and the handset model. I’d also like to start imaging with my DSLR. Any advice at this stage would be helpful... Thanks...
  4. Hi, can the Celestron astro fi 6 inch sct telescope connect to a dslr? I have a Nikon D3300 and am ready to get started... any help or tips would be helpful. thanks, Don
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