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Posts posted by HaleBopp2007

  1. 1 hour ago, HaleBopp2007 said:

    It's also 2,5 mag, so the tail is still developing. By now it's looking quite short.

    Maybe it's that short because it's practically pointing to the LASCO cameras. I saw recently Bradfield comet at perihelion from C3 and it looks similar to NEOWISE, except it's pointing far from SOHO. The "elongated coma" of NEOWISE can be a bright, long tail with a round coma. 

  2. It is confirmed! That's the comet we were waiting for, and, good news! It's currently mag 2,5 aproximately, and that's 11 days before perihelion! That's a great signal, and if the comet survives, it will surely reach 0 magnitude at perihelion.


    Here's an old prediction of the comet's brightness, and it's quite close of how the comet is now...

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  3. Ok, it has finally refreshed, and it's perfectly noticeable that there's something where I marked before that indeed wasn't there before! The bad thing is that there's not a line that indicates that the comet is bright. The thing of before should've been a particle of solar wind.


    Edit: Here, every 15 minutes aprox. a new photo is published, here you can se an animation of how the comet will be moving:


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  4. 7 hours ago, verreli said:

    Where are you getting the magnitude figure from?  I thought the comet was currently too close to the sun to get a meaningful reading.  Look out, from Monday, for Neowise transiting the FOV of the NASA SOHO camera.  When it pops out the other side, it should be a northern hemisphere object and getting further form the sun so becoming increasingly visible - all being well.  I'm hopeful but unsure if its brightness will overcome light levels at this time of year.  We even potentially have noctilucent clouds to contend with.  You may have better luck in Spain.

    Well, Many predictions have fortunately stopped at 0 and - 1 mag at perihelion, but a few of them are in 3rd mag. So I don't know which one to believe. Of course, I'd love the comet to be that bright, but as the comet has been lost by the sun's glare, we can't see how is it doing. You're saying that NEOWISE will enter LASCO camera this Monday? That will give everyone a window to see the comet and how it is evolving... 

  5. So, ATLAS has disintegrated, and it won't provide us a great show in May. But there's another comet that could reach naked-eye visibility in the same time that ATLAS' debris reach perihelion. It's C/2020 F8 (SWAN). It's had an outburst recently and it could reach 3rd or even 2nd mag. And it's looking pretty good from the southern hemisphere! Here, in the north, we'll be the only ones that will see the perihelion of the comet.


    So let's see if we're lucky this time... No one knows what could happen, but I have hope. It was only discovered on March 25th, so there's still time to see how this comet reacts.

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